
alooo theree, i come back after 2 years. everyone i knew already in collage kaa.. i feel like so left behind. i miss you, i miss juniour high scool breezee (alay ik). im working rn, got my dream(ed) job ig.. ahahhaa. ik kamu masih mau sekolah kecantikan and becoming makeup artist. i miss you so bad, i feel so alonee. what im gonna do without u and with this feeling, i wanna hug u gurll. love youu, pretty ‍♀️


Aku patah hatii. I like wrong person. Singkatnya dia teman kelaskuu, inisial Y lahh. Ngebantu ngeluapain doi yang udah 2 tahun, tapi eh ternyata malah nambah luka.. kapok, mau resign jadi manusia biar jadi lumut aja.


Banyak sekali pertanyaanku.. kamu sehat ji kelihatan, bugar, berisi, makanmu juga bagusー kau bahkan lebih ceria dari kita semua, tapi kenapa kau bisa sakit? Kenapa Tuhan kasih takdir begitu? Kenapa kau pergi pas kita saja bahkan belum wujudkan janji satu pun?


I had a fight with my brother, we hit each other earlier. Mama comes and gets angry. Papa asked me to leave the house, with him. Papa says he doesn't like current Mama. Mama likes to say that Papa is stupid and has no brain, always tells people bad things about papa.  Papa is angry and he just wants Mama to apologize. Mama left, she said papa stay here, take care of us and he also thinks this is Papa's house. Mama reprimanded me, if I really want to separate from my brother, just go with big sis Metti. She will go to the village later.


@ noctaux  I thought first, a small family will not bump into trouble. I thought wrong..


Oh, mohon maaf lahir batin. Maaf telat, wkwk. Memang suka tidak tau diri saia. Maaf jarang jenguk pas kau lagi butuh, seharusnya ku iyakan saja biar ada saya yang temani kau, maaf juga saya tidak jadi orang-orang terakhir yang kau liat pas ajalmu.