


My dad just said " yooz " in text, but wtf does that mean??


@bughickies Lol no it mean "your out of zone" lmao still means get ur ass to bed !!!!!!! XD p.s...I have no idea what it means :}


@bughickies It means get your ass to bed or it grounded


this message may be offensive
something I just thought of: 
          People aren't welcome in places because they are expressing themselves. It's total bull. They have to suffer because of the majority of the people's opinions are that they're wrong, or that they aren't in their right mind. Sometimes being unaccepted because of who they are, drives them to horrible descisions. People will kill themselves because of all the pressure and the amount of damage it causes to their mental state. And, you know, " Death " is a very small word for what it is. Everyone has made a plan or something for what comes over physical death. But honestly, no one really knows. Death is a huge thing, and people try to run away from it. I'm not saying run towards it, but just go with the flow of life. Because rushing towards it, or especially trying to get away and escape it, only causes us more pain and you know, suffering. I believe we don't just die, like there is something after. I don't know what specifically though. I've become more at peace because I have reasoned with my mind, I reasoned that I won't be here forever, that I will eventually pass, everyone else will too. And I used to always ask the universe or myself hoping for an answer, " How do you deal with all the heartbreak " Well, you cry. Sounds dumb, but really in this seemingly big world, this universe even, that's all you can do. There will be a time where your at peace. It's just so intense. The cause of all of the people who are against lgbtq or anything of the sorts make the people who are feel guilty, the people will start to make up a whole ego or personality to combat against who they really are. 


I'm in your bio :,) i feel honored 


@bughickies awwww i really love talking to you to:)


@-good_goth_pussy- lol, I put you there bc I rlly love talking to you, and bc you slay :))