Just published another poem called God.
I wrote it for my fellow Christians.
Inspired by: As you all know, I am a Christian with a passion for God. Because of my love for Him, I hate it when I see that people make assumptions about Him and think untrue things of Him. A big reason why some people don’t believe is because of people who call themselves Christians but don’t live like one. I call them ‘fake’ Christians . They portray the wrong idea of who God is and how a Christian should be. Now I know everyone isn’t perfect and everyone makes mistakes, trust me, I make a lot of them. But by ‘fake’ Christian I mean someone who says they love and worship Jesus but gossip about people behind their backs, bullying others, hating instead of loving one another. That is the hard truth. If Christians start acting like Christ then people will be able to see God for who He really is. A loving, gracious, faithful, forgiving, good good Father.❤️