
I have been feeling sick and have been unable to publish/write. But I will be back as soon as I feel better


Olá a todos. 
          Os seguidores de 'Yara' poderão ter reparado que a história foi retirada do Wattpad. Sei que esta é uma das minhas histórias que teve mais leituras e votos e que muitas pessoas seguiram a viagem de Yara da vida humana ao reino subaquático. Devem então perguntar-se porque retirei a história.
          - Então porque? 
          Na verdade retirei todas as minhas histórias por achar que precisam de um novo ar, uma edição, uma revisão e uma nova vida. 
          Estou neste momento a trabalhar em trazer de volta Yara para o Wattpad. Tentarei que não fique retirada do ar durante muito tempo, mas quero fazer-lhe uns retoques antes de a deixar permanentemente no meu perfil. 
          - Quando voltará a estar disponível? 
          Estou a trabalhar nela neste preciso momento, pelo que não deverá faltar muito para que esteja novamente disponível para leitura. Peço que tenham um pouco de paciência comigo enquanto revejo, releio e lhe dou uma nova vida. 
          Serei o mais breve possível. 


Thanks for voting on Inflow!  I'm glad that you enjoyed it so far.


Thank you!  Please share as much as you want. I'm hoping to build an audience.  =]


@ChristopherOpyr  I am =) 
            I'm sharing it with my friends as well on facebook. 
            You write pretty well! I aspire to write like that! =D


Hey guys, 
          I'll not come to wattpad for the next couple of days because I'll be away with my family. So I'm just going to wish all of you a Merry Christmas, Hanukkah or whatever thing you may celebrate. The Important thing is that you enjoy yourself, your life and everyone around you. 
          Even if you don't feel like getting into the Holidays, you should allow yourself some peace, and let go of the pain, even if for only a brief second.


Hey Guys! 
          I know I haven't updated in a while. I've been super busy. But I'm working on bringing back live to my account, so I hope to still update a science fiction story soon (hopefully still this month, December. You may be wondering why I took Atlantis down, and that's because I need to do a re-check, edit on the story, but hopefully I'll re-publish every chapter soon. 
          In January I'll be publishing a Portuguese Story as well, which I plan to work on editing throughout the months of January and February. During those months I still plan on trying to update the Science Fiction novel I'm writing in English, but not sure if I'll be able to.


Oh dear XD looks like I'll need some  panic button practicing 


@curiousteenwriter But you should. XD I need people to rush me, or I get very lazy ahahah =)


I completely understand! Take your time, I don't want to rush you XD