I have 8 nicknames. omggg
winona- my aunt named Normie gave me that nickname just because she loves winona ryder.
nona- shortcut of winona
noneng- the evolution. lol. I forgot who gave me that nickname. I think it's my grandfather.
neng- shortcut of noneng
mangsi- my aunt named Nicole gave me that nickname because I'm always sad. It came from the word "simangot" =(
zanica- shortcut of my name, Zandra Angelica. My friend named Nyl Patrick gave me that nickname because I always call him "Nyck" - the shortcut of his name
zapz- I made it. i find it cool
zappy- Some of my friends call me in that name. It started with Jom, my ex, because I call him Jommy after we broke up.