okay, so i have a new story ready to go. but, i'm trying this thingy where i write most of the chapters before i publish them in order (idfk). so do you want the first three chapters (ones a before you read, the others a tweet thingy, and the other is actually a chapter)? or do you want me to attempt to finish y.t. first? bc as you know i can really only focus on one book at a time unless they both aren't amazeballs. comment what you want! please. bc most o y'all seem to be silent followers and that annoys me. there are 58 of you so far and i would really appreciate it if all of you (besides the ppl i know irl - you have a choice) could read my new sturff and like comment and vote and give me feedback.
i'm following everyone now so i will unfollow you if you don't! (that was a bad threat but whatever)