I've been duped once again. I know I said I was re-edited my book, which I did for the first handful of chapters. But I seem to have an issue.
This account is my original account from 2012 way back when, but I've had several email accounts since then and I can no longer access this account appropriately.
SO to fix my issue, I will be transferring my book to something I can freely edit on and have access to. And THEN I will create a new account under a similar name so you know that it is me. which I will discuss later.
Then I will Repost my story which will have much more grown up quality of words and chapters to it, since I am no longer a "child" writing this book.
I am so appreciative for all of those who chose to stay by my side and wait for my book. I don't know what I did to deserve such faith, but thank you for it.
For those who I let down, I am truly sorry, I didn't realize how much effort that this was going to take me to write a story of any kind let alone this one. Being a carefree 12 year old hand writing a book during the summer is so much easier to deal with, Becoming an adult however, going through all of high school, a relationship, and now a 2 1/2 year old toddler.... You probably could take a guess or two...
So again, FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART I APOLOGIZE AND LOVE YOU ALL! I WILL KEEP YOU INFORMED OF WHEN THINGS WILL BE CHANGING, I may even find another app to post on as well to open my range a little, I don't know, we'll see,
Regards from your author,