
Guess who is writing a new book. Me, I am. I'm so over walked with all the love from one in a million that I've decided to start another girl Harry fic. The first chapter will be with you within a couple of days as well as new chapter of one in a million. I hope you enjoy this one as much as one in a million ☺️ stay tuned, it'll be here shortly.


Whelmed, not walked 


Guess who is writing a new book. Me, I am. I'm so over walked with all the love from one in a million that I've decided to start another girl Harry fic. The first chapter will be with you within a couple of days as well as new chapter of one in a million. I hope you enjoy this one as much as one in a million ☺️ stay tuned, it'll be here shortly.


Whelmed, not walked 


I don't know how long it's been since I posted an update  but it's been rather hectic and now January is a rather busy month, with it being my best friends birthday, her party, my 18th birthday, my party, my dads birthday and I'm sure you get the picture  hopefully I'll have a few updates ready to post for later on this month or early February. I'll be working on them when ever I am able to, hopefully they'll be three chapters to make up for my shitty timing. I've got exciting things happening for Zayn and Harry  I hope you all had a good New Years!! Make 2016 your bitch  thank you for being so patient with me, I love you all.


            Hi love, hope your New Years was great as well. I can't wait for the updates to be here! 


I'm honestly getting way ahead of myself, u feel so bad for not updating my stories for almost a year but sooo much has happened in that year. Losing close friends, exam prep and taking my exams, trying to secure a place in college, the birth of my two beautiful nephews, starting college, job hunting and also celebrating. I really hope you are all willing to stand by me and wait for the updates, that I'll be working on as soon as possible, college takes up a hell of a lot of time. I love you all though. Thank you so much for reading, voting, recommending and also following. I'm so insecure about my writing due to my dyslexia, I'm just so happy that over four thousand people are reading my own creations, it's such a confidence boost and it means so much to me. Once again I'm so sorry for being such a shitty author and not updating as often as I'd like to. 


ive got a new story!! its something very different, still zarry so dont worry. i hope you all read it and like it. please provide me with feedback, is a new thing and ive never done it before so of course feedback would be amazing.