
@colourthestars I love love love your Zayn Malik story!!!!! 


@Zayn_Malik_4_Ever I don't know how I missed this, but I thought I was still waiting for your reply! So sorry for the late reply... But anyways, I know what you mean! Making one just seems like so much work! I hate work :/ I mean tumblr seems cool but I don't even know what the point of it confuses me. And awe well thank you! Maybe I'll write a short story for him or something... :)


Haha lol well if you get a tumblr tell me :) I made my friend make me a tumblr cause it to much work to create it. lol i have a twitter to but i hate it it is so boring so i basally never go on it anymore unless i see something i look at my email most days.. i have a pintrest but i like never go on it.. so yeah.. and yeah it doesnt really matter but you are a good writer so thats why i said it lol 


@Zayn_Malik_4_Ever Lol, no doubt. I don't have a tumblr... I should probably get one, but alas I'm lazy. Um...besides this and kik, I have a twitter(I hate it though), I have email(I actually look at them cause my phone beeps lol) and...pinterest? Ok bad example. I really don't have much else... I'm so boring and too lazy to create anything else lol. And well when I finish this 'series' thingy I think I'm done with writing... I could always write a 'short' or something like that. I just keep Zayn and Nellie in the other four books so that keeps me satisfied sorta... :/