You can check this book out if you want, I actually wrote it three years ago and am a much better writer now. If you enjoy magic, or fantasy, start from the beginning and see how you like it! It may give you a taste of something amazing!
@Califia And also, may I ask, what's the secret to getting popular on Wattpad? Do you have one, or did it just magically poof into existence? 'Cause I really want people to read my work and I just can't figure out how to do that without resorting to spammy and shifty practices.
@Califia I moved here from urban Cali. Orange County, good ol' CA. Quite the shocking change, if you ask me. Been here for three years and still don't know how many churches there are in town.
@zebobez ~~Sounds like Vampire heaven. How did such a bright girl like you get stuck in the devilish outback? Must have been some dubious karma . . .probably your grandmother.