I just feel sad that today I woke up to my reading list being half empty. So many brilliant authors have lost their accounts due to mass reporting by a single person who has multiple accounts.
I just feel like Wattpad isn’t the safe space it was anymore. People need to understand that we share these books as fiction. They are written as segments of our imagination that in no way are true in any form. If in fact we would hate any cricketer then why would we take time to write something about them.
We people take our precious time to read and write and support other people who despite their busy schedules take out the time to sit and imagine something. To create a land of fantasy that we all enjoy and that is currently being destroyed.
To all my author friends, please don’t lose hope. Your stories are perfect, never let anyone be the judge of your hardwork. Keep going and keep posting and do what makes you happy.
Love, author <3