
this message may be offensive
i did say earlier that id finish the fic during these 6 weeks holidays but IM NOT GOING TO. i re-read the first few chapters and they suck ass. BUUUTTT other than the rewriting that needs to be done, i am actually nearing the end.


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i did say earlier that id finish the fic during these 6 weeks holidays but IM NOT GOING TO. i re-read the first few chapters and they suck ass. BUUUTTT other than the rewriting that needs to be done, i am actually nearing the end.


im gonna start doing these little announcements. should i start saying how close i am to finishing this first fic? because currently im close to finishing chapter 32. 
          i would also like to say i am sorry for not publishing this on the way. this is mainly because I HATE waiting for new chapters, so i thought 'oh, what if i just post this once its done'. so yeah.
          anyways im not sure how long itll take, because i dont know how many chapters im doing. fyi, it takes around 2 days to complete a chapter (only because of school and friends because i actually have a life).
          and sorry for the VERY long rant. please ask questions if you have any. thank you!