
Hello All! I know its been a while, I've been really busy with work but if everything go well I should have next chapter ready in an hour. I'm sorry for making you all waiting so long BUT ITS COMING!
          	Love ya


@zephys077 yessss!!!!! Bring it on, I'm ready lol


Hello All! I know its been a while, I've been really busy with work but if everything go well I should have next chapter ready in an hour. I'm sorry for making you all waiting so long BUT ITS COMING!
          Love ya


@zephys077 yessss!!!!! Bring it on, I'm ready lol


Happy New Year!!!
          Thank for this great year. You guy have been awesome!
          A taste of Whiskey is almost at 4k view and i can't thank you all enough for it!
          Hopefully 2025 is fill with happiness and health to all of you!
          Love u all!


Hey everyone.
          Just letting you know the chapter is still on his way.. just work hasn't been kind to me lately. SO please bare with me. I did write a good aprt of it but my brain is so tired that i'm not fully happy with it. So if I manage to get some days off and rest a little I should be able to make it much better and finish it.
          On that note Happy Thanks giving to my american's out there and an amazing week end for everyone!


@zephys077 girl ur so sweet! Ty Lenaa. You are srsly amazing love ya girl!


My all grown up babyyyy. I’m seeing this pretty late but I still wanted to say smt. Pls, I totally understand the frustration of blank pages but considering your overbooked schedule, stress load and that you have a human brain that has to rest, it is absolutely normal to have difficulty writing. Tho, even with these things happening you still write us crazy good chapters. I am so thankful for that. Please, don’t indulge hate on yourself. You’re a human (and a freakin amazing one), you can’t function like you were a robot with enormous battery capacity. We as human get tired, lazy, unmotivated, stressed out, etc. But if we do have those under the weather times, we also have moments where we feel so passionate, inspired and full of rushing ideas. With these two different periods you’re able to create different experiences through your stories and you do that so well. 
            I’ll wait patiently for the next chapter. I’ll wait to giggle and kick my feet. I love you. Have a great week 


Hey everyone.
          It has been a while.. and I'm  sorry.
          Work has been insane lately and i barely have time for myself.
          Don't worry im working on the next chapter of Red Flags its jsut a really slow progress atm.
          So I wanna thx everyone for ur patience with me and as soon as i finish it, i wil post it.
          Love yall!


Hey it's me again!
          So i manage to finish the chapter yesterday! Now i just need to correct it and find the gif for it so it should be up later today!
          I want to give a big thanks to my girl Grace @staywkoo to bounce ideas with me when I got stuck on a scene!
          I know most of you know this amazing author but for those who don't please go check her out. There is not much on her wattpad but if you click on her Hit the Road (which are spicy scene from her amazing FF on youtube) you can find her channel at the top of the first chapter or you can look up ᴛᴀᴇᴛᴀsᴛɪᴄᴄᴄ on youtube. She has amazing fanfic that I would recommand!
          Anyway hope you will like this new chapter! Again give me a few hours and it should be good to go!
          Love yall!


Hey everyone!
          Sorry i've been quiet for a while. Work has been crazy and it's the first week end I had off in a month. Don't worry chapter 9 is on his way, I manage to work on it a lot yesterday and I would say it half way done. I'll see what I can do today but I wont make you yall wait and as soon as I finish it I'll post it. Hoping for somewhere this week.
          Thank you all for your patience and have a great day!


Happy friday!
          Well good news! My brain kick back in this week and i got inspire enough that I manage to finish chapter 8. I  know it's not really long but it's important.
          Small reminder and I also put a warning at the start of the chapter. One of the scene in it can be triggering to some reader, so read at your own discretion.
          Either way I hope you guys like it.. or not, but know that this is kind of important for the story.. and I also love drama hehe.
          It will be up tomorrow morning at 9 am EST.
          On that have  agreat week end!
          Love yall!