
Hey everyone, so Two Rejects was stolen from Wattpad and put on a different site. Because of this, I frankly stand firm on my decision of moving content to a more private site. I understand that not every country has access, and for that, I'm really sorry. I'm looking at / for alternatives. But Wattpad is honestly not the best outlet and someone (or multiple people) are taking my content and profiting off it. For those who have read my whole series, or are considering to read it on P*treon, I hope you agree, or at least believe, that this series is special. It's definitely special to me and I cannot express the anger, disappointment, and sadness I feel about this scenario. I will keep you all posted on my publishing process while I look more into it.


@zero_gravity500 hey is there a possible timeline for the publication ? Ptreon is so tricky for me and the payment option is in a different currency and I am unable to do payments with my options. I absolutely loved the stories, I would love to reread it...


@zero_gravity500 id much tho but inkitt is gud im new there too so idk much but u shud def explore it and ig not sure but i read somewhere that they have a progg where reader can read for free and auth gets paid something like that i remember u saying something about self publishing ig so ig that will help ty


@zero_gravity500 hoi girly gosh i came back here after a really long just to read so many incidents of books being stolen thats really sad and shameful for those whoo did it


Hey! I'm a representative of Good Novel. I want to ask if you'd be interested in signing one or more of your stories with my platform. No pressure, if you're not interested then you can simply tell me or ignore. And if you're here are some details about the contract we offer.
          Good Novel is a legit platform, where writers get encouraged and paid for there hard work.
          We offer two contracts.
          Exclusive Contract: It pays better. Once you sign the contract and update up to 30k words, you get your signing bonus which is $100, also your book gets locked, and you start making 50% shares earned from your book. You can withdraw immediately you get up to $100
          That's not all, this is more of our payment scheme.
          120k words = $100 signing fee
          $150 attendance bonus
          $250 Completion bonus
          Total: $500
          150k words = $100 Signing few
          $150 × 2  = Attendance bonus
          $325= Completion bonus
          Total = $725
          230k words = $100 signing fee
          $150 × 4 = Attendance bonus
          $400 = Completion bonus
          Total = $1,100 
          130K Words = $100 Signing fee
          $150×2 = Attendance bonus
          $250 = Completion bonus
          Total = $650 USD
          180K Words = 100 Signing fee
          $150×3 = Attendance bonus
          $325 = Completion bonus
          Total = $875 USD
          230K Words = $100 Signing fee
          $150×4 = Attendance bonus
          $400 = Completion bonus
          Total = $1,100
          330K Words = $100 Signing fee
          $150×6 = Attendance bonus
          $400 + $1,000 = Completion bonus
          Total = $2,400 USD
          300K Words + 300K Views = 1,000USD
          Requirements: if your exclusive book reached 300k words and 300k views in 6 months, you are elignle
          Non-Exclusive Contract:
           You can post your book on any other platform, as many as you like. We have no issue with you. You get 50% shares made from your book, and also get $50 when you update up to 120k words. which is now a paid story.
          Can we proceed? Pick one you feel comfortable with.
          Mail me at


Hello Author!
          I am a representative of Stary Writing (Dreame).
          Are you interested in signing one or more of your stories on our platform? If you are not interested, you may disregard this information; if you are, here are the basic details.
          Stary Writing is a comprehensive writing platform that includes writing, publishing, marketing, and book adaptation. We provide services all over the world and value high-quality original content. Writers on STARY Writing can make money from their stories, advance their careers, and have their stories adapted into a variety of multi-media products.
          Stary Writing values popular culture and welcomes multilingual stories of various genres. We believe we can make writing a better place.
          We have two types of contract.
          Exclusive Contract: This means that your book will only be available on our platform. You can leave samples on other platforms.
          Non-exclusive: Your book can appear on both our and other platforms.
          Here are our benefits.
          Receive 50 USD for every signed story you have updated more than 30,000 words.
          Daily Update Bonus: Earn 150 USD each month, for consistently updating your story.
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          Stary writing usually host themed writing contest with subtential cash prizes. All Stary authors are welcome to participate.
          Other Benefits.
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          Contact me at


Hey everyone, so Two Rejects was stolen from Wattpad and put on a different site. Because of this, I frankly stand firm on my decision of moving content to a more private site. I understand that not every country has access, and for that, I'm really sorry. I'm looking at / for alternatives. But Wattpad is honestly not the best outlet and someone (or multiple people) are taking my content and profiting off it. For those who have read my whole series, or are considering to read it on P*treon, I hope you agree, or at least believe, that this series is special. It's definitely special to me and I cannot express the anger, disappointment, and sadness I feel about this scenario. I will keep you all posted on my publishing process while I look more into it.


@zero_gravity500 hey is there a possible timeline for the publication ? Ptreon is so tricky for me and the payment option is in a different currency and I am unable to do payments with my options. I absolutely loved the stories, I would love to reread it...


@zero_gravity500 id much tho but inkitt is gud im new there too so idk much but u shud def explore it and ig not sure but i read somewhere that they have a progg where reader can read for free and auth gets paid something like that i remember u saying something about self publishing ig so ig that will help ty


@zero_gravity500 hoi girly gosh i came back here after a really long just to read so many incidents of books being stolen thats really sad and shameful for those whoo did it