Hi friends! I know I said school would be the best time to write because my brain works better when I'm distracted. Well, I'm in one of my super important years leading up to college and I have horrible time management skills, so writing has been off the table. I'm not going to stop, but if I don't update for what seems like years, blame school (and my poor time management).
ANYWAYS, if you're a fan of Locked Up Tight, I will try to get the next chapter uploaded tonight, tomorrow night, or this weekend. (For some reason my teachers love giving tests back to back, so if it's not up, I most likely had to stop writing and start studying.)
But I've got half of a """short""" fic up. It's not like super short but it's not hella long. Check it out.
This message was unnecessarily long and you probably have a life to get back to. Thanks for reading it, though.