
Just updated What Is Love! I also started the next chapter for A Day In The Woods lol


I have not quit wattpad, I repeat im still gonna write. 
          These past weeks are stressful, from big projects and test, and having a softball game pretty much every night. Tomorrow I have an ECA and a huge project due Thursday and Friday, and I have softball games every day this week. Now I'm not trying to make you feel bad for me or anything, I love softball. I just wanted to say I'm not done writing, and I'm gonna try to write every chance I get, but I probably won't have much chances this week. 


wow yo guys, I haven't been on here since the last status I posted. School has been stressing me, plus now it's softball season and I have a game almost everyday which is so funn ! 
          I'll do the best I can to keep writing I promise. 


hi, sorry I haven't been on the last week. I've have lots of school work, plus softball practice everyday, and had a game on Thursday! 
          oh, and it's spring break now yay (: Today I have nothing going on, so maybe I'll write a bit !