2018 is almost coming. Just think, few more hours, minutes and seconds: the sky will lit up again with sparkling and breath taking fireworks. People will start blowing their trumpets and making some loud noises to celebrate the upcoming 2018. New experiences, more upcoming days, nights, memories, challenges and people will come. Starting from Day 1 to this last day of 2017, I admit it wasn't a perfect year. Everything was so fast. Is it only me feels this way? That Day 1 feels like yesterday but here are I am right now. Absorbing every little detail. Accepting that I'm starting a new year again. I've published many stories this year and I'm happy with that. I'm very thankful whoever read my stories even if it's not so good as other stories. And of course, My Father Almighty, for being with me and love me until this present day. Honestly, I wouldn't be here, having this kind of interest of making books if it weren't for Him. He gave me this talent to share my thoughts to everyone and I hope I'll be known as a great writer, too. But now, I'll leave again the bad moments that happened this year and start a new amazing moments with everyone. Thank you, Father and thank you to everyone as well. I love you! Remember, God is within you and you will accomplish your goals with faith in Him. God bless us all with His almighty power!