
Deer friends,
          	We haven't spoken in a while. I hope everyone is reading and writing fun stories. I edited KOTW down to about 80k in March. However, after meeting with a few potential agents/publishers, I've decided to rewrite the story based on the feedback I received.  I will let everyone know when I complete the next draft, and I will leave the current version up on Wattpad for as long as I can :). Thank you for reading!


@maybeiwas2shy Yo! Sorry for the late reply, but I have a really good excuse. I just got back from Jamaica :D. I really appreciate the inspirational pep talk, actually. The struggle to balance real life with writing is real... 
          	  RIP Rony indeed. Still my favorite scenes in the book, even if they're pretty irrelevant to the plot :).


@ziggylong You're not going to need an inspirational pep talk from me, mate. I know that. But I'm going to give you one anyway. 
          	  If there was ever a book I read on Wattpad that I know is going to be published and on my shelf, it's KOTW. The first chapter I read almost a year ago got me absolutely sure. I've read so many many stories on this website. A lot of them have slipped away into oblivion. KOTW and it's characters have stayed. Ray and   Byron are still fresh in my memory, even months after I last read it. And I haven't encountered anything as fresh, original and delightful as King of the Woods on this website ever since. 
          	  You'll get there, my man. We both know you will. 
          	  RIP Rony. Kangaroo shall miss you. So shall I.


@ziggylong Interesting. I'll find a copy. Shouldn't be too hard in this information age.


@smith073 Is that in the scene where Trivia is meditating on spears? An iklwa is a Zulu spear. My thinking there was to show that Trivia and Linnaeus are familiar with a wide variety of weapons, because they've been alive a long time and traveled everywhere. And also to show that the ideal spear for a human wouldn't be the same as the ideal spear for Trivia, because her physiology is different.