
Happy 400k to Loving Mr. Herrera! 


3 days from now (July 17), it’s already my birthday. As I celebrate with it, I planned to publish all the chapters remaining in His Yesterday & My Tomorrow. I just want to announce that it’s already marked as completed and you can read it for free. It’s an open ending.
          I also want to thank my readers for supporting me, LOVING MR. HERRERA IS NEAR 200k READS! I owe this to my zinnies. Thank you so much! I’m forever grateful to all of you.
          - zinagtala


Happy 140k reads to Loving Mr. Herrera! Heads up because there will be a special chapter that will be published any time this year. For now, I want to thank my friends, my zinnies (readers), and those who's been supporting me since day 1. Thanks to my zinnies, I won't reach this without your help. And of course to tiktok, since that platform made me realize that things can be possible even if I think that it won't be. 
          Just a little special mention for my girls, since feb 2022. Hi "BEBU ni ate kai", my ates. Your youngest misses you all so much, and I'm so thankful because I got to know you even if we're just given a short period of time since we're all busy. I'm so lucky because I had a chance to know you, to get close to you all. Thank you for the support, cheer ups, and for being there through my ups and downs. And of course, I won't forget my maris and c&c, thank you for always supporting me and for helping me whenever I need a hand. Thank you for the advices every time I'm having a burn out or I'm cramming and overthinking about the outcome of my works. I love you all guys, thank you so much!!