
So here I am back again. I decided to reignite my passion of writing but it will be about my experience. I am not sure if I'll be writing fanfictions ever again, who knows? But I need a platform to write down about myself in order to understand myself. I needed another perspective because I've been lost lately. 
          	If you have any suggestions on what should I write, come and inbox me! I will look into it.


So here I am back again. I decided to reignite my passion of writing but it will be about my experience. I am not sure if I'll be writing fanfictions ever again, who knows? But I need a platform to write down about myself in order to understand myself. I needed another perspective because I've been lost lately. 
          If you have any suggestions on what should I write, come and inbox me! I will look into it.


Is it ok if I rewrite everlasting love (Loki and vampire) editing slowly you will get credit for writing the story because it has a error and would not go to archived or anything else if you are ok with it of course and to help you out a little with instruction what do you like the some or what character from a movie is you favorite you could make a story about that ok.


@DominicAdkins sure thing and when you say inbox do you mean the messages or the conversations just so I can get a better understanding of what you mean ok.


@DominicAdkins Okay! Hit me up in my inbox when you get started!


Hey, guys.
          I haven't been to my Wattpad for ages and I missed the joy of writing, even tho my works back then were cringy. For now, I have not found any inspirations or ideas to write so if you all can give some suggestions, that will be great.