The Zodiacs ranked from who got into the most trouble as a child to most calm and perfect angel (this list has been approved by Lady Orion herself) pt2 7. Taurus | she was honestly good most of the time but those times she lost her temper? It was like having a whole demon in the house everybody took cover, mad Taurus was everyone’s BIGGEST FEAR. They had to get her a special counselor for THOSE times she couldn’t control her outburst. She grew out of it tho she’s better now 8. Capricorn | not surprising since he’s the one that was responsible for all of them but he did have a tendency to bother his little brother a lot and caused most of his meltdowns and tantrums. 9. Libra | this boy will literally never speak a word or do anything to get himself in trouble. The most he ever did was bite a paparazzi and that’s cause he was overwhelmed and agitated by the flashes and questions. 10. Scorpio | the sweetest angel and probably Lady Orion’s secret favourite. He was so kind and way too scared to get himself in any kind of trouble. He was also very polite even as a small child. 11. Virgo | she did not have her as a student so she really couldn’t tell. She was also hidden most of her life.