
The Zodiacs ranked from who got into the most trouble as a child to most calm and perfect angel (this list has been approved by Lady Orion herself) pt2
          	7. Taurus | she was honestly good most of the time but those times she lost her temper? It was like having a whole demon in the house everybody took cover, mad Taurus was everyone’s BIGGEST FEAR. They had to get her a special counselor for THOSE times she couldn’t control her outburst. She grew out of it tho she’s better now
          	8. Capricorn | not surprising since he’s the one that was responsible for all of them but he did have a tendency to bother his little brother a lot and caused most of his meltdowns and tantrums. 
          	9. Libra | this boy will literally never speak a word or do anything to get himself in trouble. The most he ever did was bite a paparazzi and that’s cause he was overwhelmed and agitated by the flashes and questions. 
          	10. Scorpio | the sweetest angel and probably Lady Orion’s secret favourite. He was so kind and way too scared to get himself in any kind of trouble. He was also very polite even as a small child. 
          	11. Virgo | she did not have her as a student so she really couldn’t tell. She was also hidden most of her life.


The Zodiacs ranked from who got into the most trouble as a child to most calm and perfect angel (this list has been approved by Lady Orion herself) pt2
          7. Taurus | she was honestly good most of the time but those times she lost her temper? It was like having a whole demon in the house everybody took cover, mad Taurus was everyone’s BIGGEST FEAR. They had to get her a special counselor for THOSE times she couldn’t control her outburst. She grew out of it tho she’s better now
          8. Capricorn | not surprising since he’s the one that was responsible for all of them but he did have a tendency to bother his little brother a lot and caused most of his meltdowns and tantrums. 
          9. Libra | this boy will literally never speak a word or do anything to get himself in trouble. The most he ever did was bite a paparazzi and that’s cause he was overwhelmed and agitated by the flashes and questions. 
          10. Scorpio | the sweetest angel and probably Lady Orion’s secret favourite. He was so kind and way too scared to get himself in any kind of trouble. He was also very polite even as a small child. 
          11. Virgo | she did not have her as a student so she really couldn’t tell. She was also hidden most of her life.


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The Zodiacs ranked from who got into the most trouble as a child to most calm and perfect angel (this list has been approved by Lady Orion herself) pt 1
          1. Aries | he was the kid with the special corner reserved for him and his desk was right next to the teacher for every damn lesson. He was so unstable nobody could get a hold of him
          2. Sagittarius/Aquarius | I’m putting them together because every single one of their shenanigans were always together. They cause chaos everywhere they go it’s really not surprising.
          3. Cancer | him and his shit attitude got him so many beatings this boy won’t stop talking back and being rude. Not to mention the amount of fights he got into with Aries 
          4. Gemini | he should normally be higher but he used to be so sneaky and would play all cute and innocent to escape his punishment. But it wouldn’t work with Lady Orion so he runs out of luck when she catches him. He carved his name in the Aries corner as a VIP guest. 
          5. Leo | she would not stop terrorizing her siblings and lying to them about whatever story she would do anything to get a reaction out of them and it resulted in WARS. And she would play it off every time like a pro. 
          6. Pisces | she would follow Gemini in whatever trouble he would get himself to, he’s literally the one who taught her how to sneak out. He at least has the decency to take the blame most of the time. 


If I hear the audio “I got a feeling you got everything you wanted, and you’re not wasting time stuck here like me. You’re just thinking it’s a small thing that happened, THE WORLD ENDED WHEN IT HAPPENED TO ME.” One more time I might just crash tf out this fits way too many of my characters 


saw this SO late but literally me AS WE SPEAK i get emotional whiplash every time someone close the app for me 


@celastella this song with 
            Ophiuchus and Scorpio
            Capricorn and Aries
            Taurus and Amora
            Sagittarius and Cancer
            Virgo and Ophiuchus 
            Pisces and Scorpio
            Literally free me???? This is not okay???? Also that audio and “the winner takes it all” I’m about to TWEAK IN THIS B ‼️


@zinniq girl that song has been on repeat for me I've been going through the motions with my babies I swear


Korra is a buff, powerful woman avatar. She’s hot, talented, funny, POWERFUL, confident, intelligent, super well written and POWERFUL (did I say powerful yet?) the real question is WHY would I care if she did destroy humanity? 
          Give me one good reason why I should be mad at a gorgeous woman for destroying humanity? Oh right, there’s none. NEXT. 
          I do believe it’s a misunderstanding and she did nothing wrong anyways but if it does end up she did it on purpose, imma be fully honest: idc. 


@zinniq omg yesss say that to the big haters in the back


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@zinniq it all the crazy villains she fights fault. Perhaps Mako's as well. He was a dipshit who couln't see how amazing korra is (sorry asami. You're better than Mako anyway)


Oh Korra they could NEVERRRRRRR make me hate you idc I support women's wrongs anyways <3 we should rlly be hatin on Mako's bum ass we should blame him for everything idk


I love watching Panda core on TikTok. 
          It brings absolutely nothing productive in my life other than the dopamine rush of seeing these fat silly ball of fur have zero survival skills 
          Please never stop making panda core 


I feel like making y’all cry today <3 
          Aries: “I’m not a violent dog, I don’t know why I bite”
          Taurus: “something made your eyes go cold.”
          Gemini: “a heart that always understands also gets tired”
          Cancer: “you’re a weapon, and weapons don’t weep.”
          Leo: “I can do it, and even if I can’t, I have to.”
          Virgo: “my father is the worst man alive and I am his favourite daughter.” 
          Libra: “I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me.”
          Scorpio: “they made you into a weapon and told you to find peace.”
          Sagittarius: “can you imagine a silence so desperate to be heard?”
          Capricorn: “just because I carry it so well doesn’t mean it’s not heavy.”
          Aquarius: “but I am very homesick for arms that never held me.”
          Pisces: “the chains are broken but are you truly free?” 
          Ophiuchus: “the boy who carried his last name like a burden.”
          Lunaria: “to be woman is to swallow all the words you have ever wished to speak.”


on my mobile device????? on this lovely sunday evening ????? 


Cancer: then you should stop…
          Aries: but that’s different from this! :(
          Cancer: it’s not different. Ur gonna gain weight.
          Cancer: HEY ‼️ UR ALREADY FAT. I CANT STAND YOU—
          Canries in a nutshell 


I just saw this audio of Yuji that was like “he’s not even tired (Sukuna) but I am. I’m hurt and I’m tired and I wanna go home and I want to sleep and I don’t want to be here, and I think—…can I let this one go? Can I let it be someone else’s problem, just for a minute? So I can rest…” 
          Not only did I ball my eyes out cause that’s my little cutie but it also made me think of Gemini and im gonna go in a corner now. Please don’t talk to me I’m gonna be unavailable for the next 24h. 


@zinniq nawh dw ill take the hit and do it for then


@Emenator_Of_Beauty bcs I said I was gonna do a no no move that involved my neck and my hands


@zinniq HELP ??? why was you flagged 