
Everybody it is Riley's (@Oi_Johnson) 17th birthday today!!


Ok..... so there's a bit about 'The Lone Whisperer' up feel free to ask me questions in the comments or message me directly and as long as it doesn't give too much away about the book i'll answer them in the about book.
          Love you all, my little maniacs,


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Hey there guys.....I hope you guys all had an amazing Christmas...........ok I'm just going to say it, I'm really sorry I haven't update for literally agessssssssssssssssssssssssssssss because there's been lot's of shit gone down recently (not actually my shit, but other people's and yeah I've been sorting out other people's lives for them) but mainly it's because I am writing a novel, a full length novel called 'The Lone Whisperer' I'm uploading a book with some information about it but it is basically a paranormal romance novel, anyhoo....I'm not going to be uploading it to here, but I will be getting it professionally published and I'll upload a few chapters as a taster, please check them out when they are up etc......Thank you all for sticking this out and yeah. yay ^.^ love you all my little maniacs XXX