this message may be offensive
im back from the dead to wish my fellow 3rd year (but most importantly 6th year) students good luck in your junior and leaving certs you have fought a brave battle these last few years, and i am not going to give you some bullshit 'good luck' speech, instead i am going to tell you that none of it matters, but if you're having multiple panic attacks over it like me, it's ok, really just because it doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things, doesn't mean it doesn't matter to you and with that, don't beat yourselves up over it, just relax, eat your breakfast (you need to eat, it's important) and hydrate or die-drate bitch the school system is shit and i swear to god i will give the department of education a piece of my fucking mind one of these days, but for now, good luck my friends -zoey <3