Hello all, I have an announcement to make.
Don’t worry, it’s nothing too serious. It’s just I feel kinda bad for leaving you all hanging for almost three months before the release of the new TFP chapter last week. I know, I’ve had some big breaks like that every now and then, but given the current situation of the outside world, I figured I would try something new.
That’s the reason why, if you haven’t noticed, I managed to post two chapters within the span of a week. That’s right, I posted a new one last night (or probably later in the day, depending on where you live). It’s a small chapter, but still one regardless.
It also reveals my first ever sketch of our secret female Con. :)
But anyway, my plan is to try and cut my breaks down every now and then, and post chapters that are smaller in length, yet still catch on certain events within the show itself.