
Next update may take a while because my new semester start tomorrow I do hope I get to finish the new chapter as fast as I can. 


Hi,can I ask you something,if I offended you by my question that I am going to ask you,sorry, I don't mean to offend you by my simple question, I am going to read your back together in coming days,can I know that when you are going to finish it,


@Nathanprithvi I'm so sorry to hear about your mother and sister. I hope you're strong enough to face it. I also just lost my beloved grandmother before I admitted into University. And I'm sure your mother must be very proud of you on how you grown to be a good person and tried to spread positivity around you=) 


You are welcome dear, and I am so happy to know that I made you smile, which definitely going to get me in the list of the angles, my mother always saying to me before she called back to the heaven,that if we can make anyone smile that makes us get into the list of the angles, I always believed in her words, to still am,so, thank you so much for helping me get on their list, and, you are really talented, really you are, able to draw is something so precious more than anything else, you can express your feelings through picture, my mother could draw, but,not like you guys doing,she was into embroidery designing, I think if my little sister was with me now she could have does draw too, because she was always into crayons and stuffs, and I will definitely going to vote on every chapters of that story, because you are a nice, kindness writer,who can understand readers mind state better than other hot headed full of themselves writers,who literally can't take readers comments positively,so, I will dear when I started to read your story,.


@Nathanprithvi yes you are right, I also like imagining things so rather than keeping it I want to share with other people my idea or my thoughts through story. I really doing it cause I've been doing it too with my art. Oh, I'm also can drawing too and I did make some manga of my own though I didn't finish it cause the plot line looks miserable so I thought maybe I should make it into novell first I make it into manga haha. And you don't have to vote if the chapter didn't suits your taste just comment what your think about the chapter is already make me smile all day=). And thank you again by the way. I working the new chapter now while the idea is still flowing. Hopefully I will update it as soon as I proofreading it. 


@zoneNezeyCro Thank you for voting for my book! I hope you’re enjoying it! Let me know what you think of it so far.


@Genie768 Hye and your welcome. I really enjoy this story but I think you can guess the way I vote it haha and what I feel about this story well I'm not satisfied the flow when he met the prince for the first time and suddenly they all lovey dovey. No offence but I just hope there is more detailed and flow on how they become lovers. Not too fast and not too slow especially when the prince falling in love with Delta. ^v^ that's all. I hope you didn't  take this as rude comment. 


Thank chu very much for the follow, but may I ask why? What did I do? Thank chu, tho! The follow is appreciated!


Im from United States, you? And everybody has some fun in them, they just don't show it much because they might be afraid to. But thats just hiw i see it.


@CallMeJasonLynn wow that's a good thing you have a positive side in you. Not everyone have that. *respect . So, which country are you from?