


this message may be offensive
@zoomer- fucking finish THE INVITE please i beg of you


so i just want to say thank u for writing :,) ur book and so many others really helped me in a bad place too and im back now trying to use it again so i want to tell u, u are loved and thank you for still being here when u did :))


@pinkwindmillkid thank you so much sweetie. i don't really write on here anymore but I think I wanna make my comeback. <3 im glad I could help you


Hey guys. I come to you guys when im in a bad place and here we are. i just always feel like im not enough, that i f*ck sh,t up all the time. ive ruined so many friendships and made a false impression of my self to others. it hurts so bad not being able to chat in a groupchat because you know everyone hates you. anyways, thats all i have for tonight.


@zoomer- aww i want you to remember you are good enough for us and if others dont accept you its their loss you are perfect and we cant be always be perfect so dont be too hard on your self 


@zoomer- like you can always pm me and talk to me if your feeling down☻︎♥︎


@zoomer- are you okay bub? 


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          crying so im going on ppls books and thanking them for basically saving my life. when i started back at wattpad after a 2 year hiatus, i was so suicidal. in wards week after week. i finally got back on my feet thanks to you guys. i love u guys so much. thank you for supporting me and everything i do. thank you so much. when i was in 5th grade i was a bloodied, abused foreign exchange student with bald spots in my head due to having bulimia. by 7th grade i was living in america and good at english, when i started writing, it let me escape from reality. from my mother. thank you so much. i was such a shitty writer but i truly believe you guys saw me for me. thank you. i could never thank you enough. i am bawling writing this. im not sure what to say.  im growing up, im losing interest in writing by each day, unfortunatly. i want nothing more than to write but to write for you guys. i have no ideas. ive milked myself dry. most of my plots come picked from other books. it makes me feel shitty. i am so sorry for letting you guys down. im not quitting but its in the realm of possibilities im going to stop writing. my first ever book got 100k + reads, it was such a shitty book but people love it. i love you guys so much. thank you. i sound like a broken record, "thank you" but i couldnt do it enough. you guys have kept me living. my life sounds so fake. its almost like im dying everyweek. i had corona, had a seizure, attempted twice in one week, abused, adopted. whatever the case is my life is shit. im sorry. im sorry, i dont know what to do anymore. i want to write so many books but you guys wouldnt read them. im sorry. im gonna try and finish all my books before i leave. everything is just sucky except for you guys right now. i doubt many people will read this but if you are here, reading, listening: i appreciate you. 
          i love you guys, thank you. 


@zoomer- im sorry on how you have felt in the past and now in the present but i want to let you know that if you ever need help we are here to help you and we love you ❤


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wow, you’re so fucking strong


i’ll be making a discord! i’m gonna make a server for all of my supporters! please drop ur user below !!


@rainbow_titties_2_0 it’s a texting platform but for gamers lol


{ @zoomer- } thus is probably dumb of me to ask but wtf is a discord 


so- i had a seizure  lmao!!! it wasn’t major but i have epilepsy so it wasn’t like out of character. anyways i told my friends and they made jokes ab it so drop ur snap if u wanna be friends :)


@zoomer- omg dude I get you, seizures suck, just try and rest a little maybe :)


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@zoomer- thats rlly fucked up ill pm u