hi to my dearest readers, Voldos.
Omg, I just wanna tell yall a bit about my trouble also mistake about Regantara. I know you guys may have gone karena cerita ini ga terlihat hilal buat lanjut. But few days ago, i saw a comment from one of you yg katanya nungguin cerita ini . For yall yg nunggu cerita ini, now don't!
I'm sorry, i'm truly sorry, i'm really² sorry. I dont have any idea for next chp of Regantara. Actually malu banget muncul tiba-tiba. So this, firstly, i postponed the work on this story due to piling up school matters. Karena masa-masa nya banyak tugas and im sorry for that. Eh pas udah beberapa bulan mendadak lupa plot Regantara yang udah dirancang dari awal sampai ending. When i start to continue nulis new chp tiba² kaya 'hah?' like blank! Yes, Regantara plot just disappeared from my memory. Some moments, pernah mikir gini 'ah udah ah beresin aja cepet², tinggal happy ending' but the other side tuh ngerasa ga terima, Regantara is my very first story where i get to know what are readers like and i got the readers. Jadi, instead of ngasih ending yang buru-buru i prefer nunggu ide dalam jangka waktu yang tak terbatas. So, please don't wait, cause it will take a really long time. Or maybe someday if i feel like i give up with this, i'm gonna unpub this story. I'm sorry guys
Ada alasan kuat kenapa saya jadi gini, karena lagi suka genre historical sometimes fantasy jadi ya Allah different way bangett.. sedih karena cerita ini terabaikan but good news i made a new story! good nya ya karena aspek kebahasaan lebih tertata sedikit rapi, ya maybe karena bahasa nya standard/baku. Mungkin yang gak suka boleh coba baca nih misalnya sewaktu-waktu ceritanya siap dipublish. Jgn kapok ya, ngerti kok i'm such a bad writer tp saya akan ambil itu sebagai pelajaran dan berniat selesain dulu semua, baru publish. Thats tips.
Ya maybe just like that. Last and again, i'm sorry, Voldos.
n: selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa my lovely readers, semangat ya !