Hi, tumpang promote
"Kita sama-sama anak yatim, Melur. Cuma bezanya kau tak ada dua-dua, aku masih ada ibu. Tapi ibu aku..."
"Macam mana kau tahu?" Kening Adi terjongket. Jujur dia kaget, gadis itu boleh tahu tentang rahsia kelamnya yang satu itu.
"Aku, pernah dengar pengawas junior cakap fasal tu." Perlahan nada suara Melur ketika mengucapkan itu.
Adi menganggukkan kepalanya perlahan. "Aku tinggal dengan nenek aku lepas ayah aku meninggal. Dulu, ayah aku jahat. Dia selalu pukul mak aku, paksa mak aku pergi kerja, cari duit untuk dia, sedangan dia? Hisap dadah." Segala ketidakpuashatian terhadap sang bapa diluahkan.
"Apa lagi yang dia buat kat mak kau?" soal Melur.
"Macam-macam. Hari-hari aku tengok dia orang bergaduh. Tapi mak aku sikit pun tak pernah melawan."
"Kenapa dia tak lawan?" Melur bertanya lagi.
"Mungkin dia takut."
"Jap, kalau ayah kau yang jahat, kenapa mak kau yang masuk penjara?"
"Sometimes the worst things always being exacerbated,
You need to manifest itself,
Endeavors by sky-craping vigors,
And convince that something wondrous emerge to the fore."
Hey, take a rest okey?
Goodnight :)
"Not all storms come to disrupt your life,
Some come to clear the way"
How's your day?
Maybe it's tougher than other days?
It's okey.
May u'll get enough rest tonight.
Gudnite :)
"Not all wounds are visible"
People who traumatized figure out,
Try to forget, vanish from memory,
It doesn't easy-breezy.
Nightmare, calling the trauma to come back.
Let me whisper something
"You're stronger than you think"
Don't give up in a "mission', let's prevail over 'them'.
Since lots of people frustrate, stress, anxious
You will heal soon.
Close your eyes.
Talk to yourself.
"I'm absolutely okay and I can manage it."
"I can be much better than now so don't give up.
"I'm a half way of champion"
"I'm an ace in my own contest"
@BlackCoffeeMocha and I also want thanks to Allah cause I meet person like you,
The one that never judge who have mental illness,
The one who always support me even we never meet for the first time
The one who always have with me, when ever i feel down and wanna suicide.
The one that always remind me that i'm so strong to face all the dugaan and cabaran hidup.
Thanks to Allah cause He choose me to meet a person like kak zue:)
In this world, there's many life quotes.
But , not all suitable for ypu.
If you know you're not okay,
Just remember that.
You're lucky because not everyone can be strony enough like you.