
Another Dan and Phil fanfiction also comes with updates to Rising Stone! Expect them soon...


As previously mentioned on the....8th of September....my muse has been missing for a long while now for me to write Chapter 3, but do not fret! The muse has returned! Chapter 3 will be coming soon.
          Also, I made a minor correction in Chapter Two. I wrote a character in by accident, it is totally my fault I have two characters that start with the name I that have both got 3 letters each. >_>


I should also mention, at a later point (when there's more chapters written up) that Chapter Two will be edited once more when I need to update it.


Sometimes you can't help but put famous celebs in your casting. OOPS. Excuse me while I fan myself.
          Also, Chapter 3 is still on it's way! Muse has been missing and this particular chapter is hard to write for....but it's getting written!