
I was following like 69 people then someone deleted their acc now I follow 68 wHO TRIED TO RUIN MY AESTHETIC WHO WOULD DO THIS!!!!


welp you follow 20 now


first world problems #


Ik it's hard to maintain that figure smh


this message may be offensive
Hi I'm a new writer here 
          Here is my book about Redgwood Academy hopefully this catchs at least one of you guys attention 
          I enjoy the boarding school / private school trope and decided to have a go at it if you do and up reading it thank you! 
          I am open to any and all feed back!
          Sorry if I disturbed you!
          Here my story:
          Here the blurb/extract:
          Redgwood Academy is no joking matter. 
          Its irresistible reputation gleams in the presence of the media only the best of the best can ever dream of entering. The cream of this generations crop. Everybody fighting for a spot which only increases this school popularity.
          Parents set children's sights on this school from as young as 9 years old In hopes on and early start.
          When looking into this school with a new set of eyes, it's a pile shit
          of covered in gold. Your abilities mean nothing here. Those who've spent their life fighting for a place in this school are at the bottom of this social hierarchy. 
          Status, wealth, and beauty are what define the elite at Redgwood Academy. Those who possess those 3 key properties have the ability to get away with anything and everything unscathed. Money is all that matters at this power-hungry Cadence no longer had that privilege.
          Cadence Evans, known as the most vicious person at her old school from being a two-faced individual to taking bullying to the next level, it was borderline harassment. After several reports from bullied victims, Cadence was expelled and sent to Redgwood Academy in the fear of her actions potentially ruining her father's reputation.
          Candence had one last chance. The threat of her being disowned was on top of her head, and she couldn't pull the same stunts. Cadence had one job, and it was to avoid any kind of trouble at all costs.


Hello, this is a story that I'm writing, I'm a new writer, and this story is a fantasy romance novel, a love story of a girl and a boy, you might like it, so I hope you could give it a try, and if there's any mistake then do let me know, I'm always ready to learn.
          Thankyou and sorry if I disturbed you.


Hi sorry for posting without your permission,  I wish everything is going well there. ❤️ I would love feedback from an amazing writer like you! ❤ 
          If your time permits, then please give a try to my book. ❤


@Daizysummer I'll read your story, check out mine as well.


Haloo kak, izin promosi ya. Sekalian saling feedback cerita dm ajaa. Boom vote + komen ♡
          Judul : The epiphany.
          Genre : fiksi remaja
          Dengan semua pengalaman buruk yang Anastasya alami, akankah ia dapat memahami sesuatu yang sangat berarti baginya, atau justru.. ia akan tenggelam semakin dalam dengan rasa sakit dan penyesalan?
          "Anastasya, kamu nggak cuma tenggelam dalam lautan tanpa dasar. Kamu juga menyeret orang lain untuk jatuh ke dalamnya" ucap lelaki itu dengan sorot mata penuh kesedihan.
