26 ~ Plan

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"enough" you looked up seeing jungkook step in front of jin while he glared at the man in the suit. You felt yourself calm down as you saw jungkook and he calmly spoke "get out"

You wanted to help, you went to move forwards but the male in the suit angrily spoke out "I'm calling the robotics company and you will be scrapped, you stupid robot"

The male then angrily walked out of the cafe slamming the door as he yelled but all you could think about was...deconstruction

You stood there silently as the other customers seemed happier now that the male was gone and taehyung seemed glad that jungkook  got rid of the angry customer. However, when you glanced to the side to see if jin was alright you were surprised when you saw jimin

If you could express your fear right now it would be the expression jimin was showing on his face, but why...jimin was clearly a human so why did he look so scared

But then your eyes traveled to jin, he was being helped up from his spot on the ground by hoseok and you noticed the look of fear on jimins face was directed towards his robot 

You paused as you stared at jin, you walked closer to him as you scanned his arm

System scan: No Identification Chip

System alert: Temperature decreasing

You felt your body go cold as you realized that jin...he didn't have a chip.

Everyone in the cafe seemed to be calming down but you were only becoming more scared, jin didn't have a chip. 

He didn't have a chip

He needs to go somewhere safe, the male said he would bring people back

However, the door to the cafe opened again and you felt terrified. You looked up seeing the familiar uniform of the guards from the deconstruction room

You quickly walked towards the cafe counter while the two guards spoke "because of some complaint we will be scanning the robots here" you looked at the men as your temperature continued to drop in fear. You knew it was the male earlier who had run out angrily that must have got the guards

They had small machines on their hips and they seemed to point it around the cafe as they spoke "three robots in total, we will be scanning each" 

All the human customers were made to leave the cafe and they were scanned by the other guard making sure they were human. Soon the only humans left were jaemin, jimin, renjun, jeno, taehyung, hoseok and jungkook.

"you can't just come in here. I have customers and business to do" jungkook spoke and the guards were distracted with jungkook when you threw the apron to the side and stood behind jin

Renjun, jeno, and jaemin seemed shocked when you swiftly took off your apron without the guards knowing. You knew it wasn't normal for a robot to be able to work and process efficiently as you did without constant orders from jungkook so you knew the two guards couldn't see you working at the cafe 

Jimin seemed to only be looking at jin as he was shaking, most likely he was trying to find a distraction. You wondered what he was thinking, but seeing the distress on his face you could tell that he wasn't, he wasn't thinking.

He was scared just like you and he was desperate

You wanted to help....but if you just get scanned then everything would be fine. You would live

But then your thoughts went right back to that terrible deconstruction room, then you suddenly thought about jin and you thought about how he would be thrown aside like some scrap metal

He would be deconstructed, no he would die

You wanted to live, you wanted jin to live

Your fear seemed to disappear and suddenly you just wanted to help jimin because he looked like he would do anything to keep jin safe

So as yoongi was begin scanned by the guard you noticed that he was angrily glaring at the scanner he held as he grumbled "stupid machine" the guard said

Yoongi had passed the scan and it was soon going to be jins turn, you felt terrified but as you looked around you could see that jungkook was still yelling causing a distraction for the one guard and the other guard was trying to fix the scanning machine

You also saw that jeno, jamein, jimin, renjun, hoseok, and taehyung looking at you and jin as you both were next to be scanned. The one guard was still staring intensely at the scanning machine screen waiting to scan another robot

Jimins hand shook and he looked like he was just about to grab jin and run outside the cafe. You stared at him with your usual stoic expression and slightly shook your head. Jimins looked at you shocked but you simply looked out the large window trying to think of something

Then you saw the dark blue car with the words seoulco robotics

You had a plan

Yoongi had already returned to hoseoks side after he was scanned and jungkook finally sat down beside taehyung with a huff and the guard who jungkook was arguing with stood by him watching him with a glare waiting for him to yell again

Jeno, jaemin, renjun, hoseok, taehyung, jimin, and jungkook were all watching you intently as you stood quietly and you saw the scanner screen finally load to scan another robot. The other guard who was no longer distracted by junkook was about to finish scanning the other humans customers while the other guard finally asked jin to lift his arm so he could scan him

Then you started your plan

Just as the guard leaned closer and went towards jins wrist you spoke "jungkook. It seems as through there is danger near the cafe. Someone seems to be attempting to take parts from the dark blue car outside" you said simply and the two guards head shot up

The guards looked out the window and you quickly moved and shoved jins arm down before you quickly placed your wrist under the scanner

You then removed your wrist before you went back to your normal position as you watched as the scanner turned green

The two men looked down at jins results and they both had a worried expression on their face because of the car "did you scan them all" the one man spoke and the guard looked to you while you stood quietly

Your plan would only work if they left right now. You were aware that one identification code existed for each robot. If you were scanned as well they would know something was wrong seeing the same code

"it's fine,  I scanned almost all of them and they had chips let's go" You watched as the two men ran out of the cafe running across the street to check their car. They walked around the car looking closely to make sure no damage was done then they looked down the street for people but as they saw none... they got in and drove away

You couldn't believe it

It worked, your plan worked

You found your hands began shaking uncontrollably from the fear of the situation you were just in. Then you finally realized the humans had seen everything in the small cafe

"d-did that robot just. N-No way" you looked up seeing every human in the cafe looking at you in pure shock, panic, and confusion

Metal Heart | bts Jungkook x readerWhere stories live. Discover now