Chapter 21

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Congratulations ms.lovato you're having twins !
I couldn't get those words out of my head twins? I was ready for one but two is going to be hard .
Ms.lovato are you okay ? Said the doctor
Yes I'm fine I'm and I um do you think there will be any complications with the birth of them?
Um I'm glad you asked usually a baby comes bigger then the other or one didn't get enough oxygen or many other reasons but if you keep a good balenced meal and you take the vitamins I'm gonna give you then you should be fine .
I turned and looked at Selena she still was in shock but then realized it was really happening and it wassent a dream .
And um is that all can we go ? Said Selena to the doctor .
Yess let me give you this prescription go to a Walgreens or Walmart and start taking them and we will see you in the next 3 weeks to check the baby's progress.

We entered the apartment and Selena still looked shocked I broke the silence.
Still want to be part of all of This Huh?
Why are you asking me? I told you I was going to be there for you ! I love you and our kids and I love you even more because now I will have 3 loves in my life.
Well I still don't forgive you what you did is hard to get over with it will take time to fix what you broke.

How dare you leave like that ! My manager was mad at me.
I'm done and I told you I was done go ahead and take me out the contract my lawyer is already working on the termination.
You stupid little brat ! You're gonna loose everything! And you're fans and all for what a stupid wanna be singer and a stupid kid.
Kids !!! Not a kid and talk shit one more time and I will will I cant deal with this goodbye. I will find some one better to sponcer me because there's many !

The phone call ended all of this is stressing especially because demi Dosent belive me that I'm trying . I will do what ever it takes to get her back I need her to FORGIVE ME......

Sorry for not updating but here it is ❤️

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