1. 4004 BC, Garden of Eden

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a/n: I don't own any of the art but please share the artist if you know!! also the first picture for the chapter here is the aziraphale inspiration so i will use a new one each chapter(you don't have to read this) first off I'd like to apologize, I know some people really dislike fem aus and I tend not to do them so much anymore, but this is an older story back when I was still confused about my writing style (I ship a lot of mxm ships, but i guess i also like to pretend i'm one of the characters if that makes sense? but then i realized my feelings were more along the lines of that one anime, kiss him not me, so now that i know that i usually keep the characters in their original form/gender, but i was too lazy to go back and rewrite this fic so anyway), also sorry if i changed aziraphale too much by trying to project myself onto him, or my ideals/values rather (well, her in this story) like by making him skinnier and more traditionally beautiful, but anyway if that doesn't bother you than please proceed and thank you for clicking on my story!!

I remembered the day Adam and Eve fell like it was yesterday. It was one of Hell's best days, one of mine personally, as everyone saw my true capacity for evil (and I got a promotion). I felt bad for the two humans, I really did, but I was only there in the garden for one purpose: to bring sin into their lives. The idea was a pretty bleak one, one I preferred not to think of too much; it would help being able to live on Earth and out of Hell, but it still wasn't ideal.

I hadn't been in the garden the whole time, since its creation, there had been shifts; likewise, there were shifts with the angels. On that particular day, there was a pretty young thing representing Heaven. After Adam and Eve had left, I decided to go talk to her, maybe I could piss her off and do more demonic things for Hell. Or maybe just talk to her, remember what it was like before I fell. I slithered up the wall to where she was standing until I was right next to her, and then I took my more human form.

She hadn't noticed me slithering, but when I started to grow, she turned her head at me and shifted back a bit, probably surprised the enemy wanted anything to do with the likes of her. Being the cool demon I was, I continued to look straight ahead, although I was curious to get a better look at the girl.

Soon I was at my full height, a bit taller than her, and had my large, black wings spread out. My black clothes stood in stark contrast to her saintly white, as well as our hair; mine was long and red and curly, at the moment; I couldn't get a good look at hers yet, but I believe it was blonde, and straighter.

Deciding to gain the upper hand in the conversation, I stated bluntly, "Well that went down like a lead balloon." Deliberately poking at her failure. Some angels would have shouted angrily at that, or done so without me having said anything in the first place, but not this one. She chuckled awkwardly, looking back and forth between our wayward travelers and me, not quite knowing how to react; she'd probably never been exposed to a demon in this fashion.

"Sorry, what was that?" She asked, smiling and grimacing at the same time (maybe I'd misjudged her, maybe she was about to lose it), while deciding to look at me. I took the opportunity to look back.

I know this is a bit of a cliché, but my god she was beautiful. She had smooth, clear skin that was pale in reality, but appeared a more bronzed color in the sunlight; she had a small, cute nose, and soft, full, pink-colored lips. Her hair was gorgeous, it was curlier than I had originally thought, not like mine, but more wavy, curled outward, and it was a radiant blonde color the way the sun hit it, halfway between gold and platinum. The real beauty was her eyes though. They were blue, that was the first thing I thought, a bright, celestial blue, however upon closer examination, I thought I saw hints of green strewn about, along with some dark blue, or possibly violet, along the edges. I knew beauty, in that sense, was such a human concept, but I would be lying if I said she didn't take my breath away.

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