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Hello Dear All This Is froggie000 With her First Interview With Our Popular ShaPoo Author pepper16__
ps:It Is a Late Night Interview


Hi Sejal ❤


Tell me about Yourself

I'm Sejal, an adult teenager (you know what I mean 😂 ) trying to cope with studies and learning to how to write day by day.

F: 😂😂


So From Which Day You Started Shipping ShaPoo? What Makes You to Be ShaPoover?

I have loved ShaPoo since 2013, I felt the vibe right then only, that these two could be a potential onscreen couple. This feeling and getting to know that I am not alone in this, made me a ShAPooVer. ❤️



Yeah ShaPoo and Everything related to them is wow!! I hope they come back soon❤️


So When Did you started writing About ShaPoo? ❤

İn this lockdown itself. May 2020
To be more precise...The idea for writing on ShaPoo came from an urge to read about them. I was searching ShaPoo ffs but there were none. There were many of ArDi but not of ShaPoo.

How do you get Idea?

So an idea popped and I thought why not write a story myself for me to Read. So yeah I'm the first to write about them and now there are so many!! ❤️❤️And luckily, besides me, I got so many readers!!

Wow ❤feeling Very Happy!That People Admires You ♡...And Now They Are writing On ShaPoo... And Now We Can See More ShaPoo FanFictions...

Thank you ❤️Yes there are many Beautiful writers on wattpad!! ShaPoovers rocks!!

OK So Do You Ship AnyOther Pair Except ShaPoo?

I ship a lot of couples!! God!! I can't name, there are so many I ship!! JenShad MayRa SarTik VarShra and many more!! I'm a wrong person to answer this. 😂

Hahahaaaa 😂 😂 😂

So Which Kind of Stories Do You Like to Read? Can you name some?

İf I'm reading online then I read romance and fanfictions! İf I'm reading a book then it should be horror, thriller (detective based). These genres keep me going. Yeah on Wattpad I have read Falling over, the deodar house, An arranged marriage and there are many!! Offline I love to read the works of Agatha Christie, RL Stine, Ruskin Bond!

Ooh... Great choice! ❤Ruskin bond is mine favourite too ♡♡
When I was Child I used to read his books...
No I used to not but papa used to Tell me 😅

Ruskin Bond has beauty in his writing. His Shimla stories and anthologies are the best!!

Yes especially frog in the fountains 😍 ♥ I just love the story

Yes!!! ❤️❤️

So you are from?

I'm from Delhi ❤️ Dil walo ki dilli

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