~•💖•~ @ShaPoo_Lover ~•💖•~

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Hello and welcome!! I Hawkeye7576 am back with yet another interview after a long time... And today I am having a very very very special guest. It's our very own CO-ADMIN of Salers and Promoters Department & Asethetics and Memes Department ShaPoo_Lover


So, ShaPoo_Lover how are you feeling?


Great.. So is this your first interview?

No. It's my second interview in wattpad.

Ok.. So tell us something about yourself

I am Avu. And I am studying in 9th standard. I am a professional dancer and also a finalist in two dance reality shows.

Wow.. That's awesome.. Which reality show? Can you tell us the name?

Channel network is not allowing me. Sorry!

Ok no problem.. Congratulations.. May you achieve more in your life and hope to see your dance someday.

Thanks for understanding! I also wish.

So Avu! From what age do you learn dancing?

From a very young age. I think it's when I am 5 years old.

Wow.. Talented Girl.. I must say!

Thank you!

So is it only dancing that you do apart from studies or there are other things too?

I love singing, cooking and most importantly writing.

Do you learn singing or is it just a hobby?

I studied music and keyboard for 2 years.

That's great.. And let's come to cooking.. I am really surprised to know that you know cooking coz I am also in 9th standard but I only know how to boil water.. Anyways, what are the dishes that you can cook?

Haha! I love to bake more and I love making fast foods.

Name some dishes... Or I should say give me a kind of menu card coz I will soon go to your house and eat.. I am a foodie 😂

Hehe! Pizza, Burger, Sandwich, Cakes and etc.

I am impressed.. Give me the address. I will start right now

Come to Trivandrum. I will be waiting there 😂

Okay *goes to pack luggage*... Anyways jokes apart.. I must really say you are a multi talented girl.. You can dance, sing and cook.. And you write so well..

Thanks ❣️

What kind stories do you enjoy writing the most?

I love writing romance and bromance.

Wow!! That's nice.. So why did you join wattpad? Is it to flourish your writing skill or you love reading as well?

I came here to read Kavin and Purvi stories but ended up writing on them.

That's great.. And what about Shapoo? How did you start loving the couple?

I watched Mahabharat when it was dubbed to Malayalam before 7 years. But that time, I didn't love that. It was just for an entertainment. But before the lockdown starts, my sister started to show me some scenes in Mahabharat in TikTok. At first I avoided that but then I started to love it and watched Mahabharat. Then I became a fan of it and also I became a big fan of Shapoo as well!

That's great!! So what is your favourite ShaPoo moment in both On-screen and Off-screen?

In Mahabharat, I liked the scene in which he say the importance of war to her. And in real, the interview of ShaPoo in Thailand. The way they both talked between the interview is too good!

Wow... Great.. How will you describe ShaPoo in one word?

Match Made In Heaven ❣️

Seriously.. They are made for each other but not meant to be together 🤧

Yah. At least in next birth..

Hope so. Would you like to suggest some books on ShaPoo in wattpad to read. Based on your favourites..

  Retelling of Love and Fog of Love by Pepper_16 and two books which is written by @Scarlet_Swift. Revenge and A Love Saga. Both of them were superb but she deleted it.

Wow. Great choice! Now let's play This or That. Okay?


Reading or Writing?


Karna or Arjuna?

Definitely Karna

Ok.. Shaheer Sheikh or Pooja Sharma?

Of course Pooja Sharma.

Same here.. Indoor games or Outdoor games?

Outdoor games

Again same.. What is your favourite outdoor game?

😊 Run and Catch, Hide and Seek and many more

I too love to play Hide and Seek 😂

Hehe 😂

Now I will give you names of actors and tell me which character played by the actor comes first to your mind. Ready?


Alia Bhatt


Hey same here. Whenever I hear of Alia Bhatt, Vaidehi comes in my mind.
Next, Varun Dhawan?


Again same.. Deepika Padukone?


Okay.. Shaheer Sheikh?

Of course Arjun

Amitabh Bachchan

I didn't watch any of his films.

Okay.. So we are heading towards the end of the interview.. Would you like to say anything to your readers and friends?

Thank you guys for all your support which you have given to me. And keep supporting me!❣️

Of course we will be supporting you always!❤️ So we end it here... Hope I didn't bore you?

Thank you ❣️ And no. It was fun talking

I am glad you enjoyed.. Bye bye.. Stay safe and happy 😊

S: ❣️


How's the interview? ♥

This interview was taken long back but couldn't publish it as the community was in hiatus.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2021 ⏰

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