Permanent Guest(yandere erasermic)

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Animal shapeshifter au. Warnings of blood, injuries, animal harm, animal death, drugging. A slow start. 

I'm going to be honest, I don't even really know what this story is.

The back of my house has a rather large forest area. There's no other house near mine for quite a ways I'm pretty sure. Walking at dusk is the best with the sun coming through the trees. My only annoyance is the hunters that like to be around my home.

I've tried getting them to stay away, but there's nothing that could be done since they're right outside my borders, so it's fully legal. The far-off gunshots get unsettling sometimes and even spook my cat. I've gotten a few deep scratches from them being startled at the sound.

I'm going through my familiar path again. I've done this same path so many times it would be possible to walk with my eyes closed. Obviously, that would be a stupid idea though with all the wild animals around.

Far off in the distance, I heard frequent shuffling, like something was desperately trying to get away from something else but can't. My mind immediately went to the idea that it could be a poor animal caught in some type of trap by the hunters. Walking up towards the noise, the familiar sight of a fox was seen. It has its paw stuck in something. As I got closer, it didn't take long for the fox to notice my presence. They backed away and ducked down with their ears back. What I saw made me want to hurt those damn hunters. It was a steel-jaw trap. Its paw was bleeding pretty badly. They have been struggling for a while already. I was in a state of panic about what to do. I could just open the trap, but judging by the injury, they're going to need some help since it's a deep wound. They'll most likely run if I just open it though.

That's just the chance that will have to be taken. I walk over and it drops down as far as it could to the ground. I instinctively put my hands up and get really close. The trap and the fox were within arm's reach if I bent down. "It's alright, I'm not going to hurt you. I want to help before someone that will hurt you does come," At this point, I'm wondering why I'm trying to talk to it. There's no way it can understand me. I've never seen such a blond-colored fox either before. That's rather odd. The fox seems to perk up a little bit, but still cautious. "Now, I'm going to open the trap, but please don't run."

I push the springs on the side of the trap to make it open. The fox quickly pulls its paw out and takes a few steps back without using the injured front paw. They locked eyes with me, but it wasn't kept long as I looked back at the trap. "Why are they using an illegal item? These things are so inhumane..." I mumble. A lightbulb goes off in my head. This can possibly be used to make them stop hunting around my home!

Another sudden thought popped into my head though. If I take the trap, they can possibly frame me for having them and trying to get the hunters to stay away from my home. Am I thinking too far into it? Probably. Should I take my chances? Better not. One of the fox's ears flicks backward as they looked further from the way I came from. It immediately went towards that direction but looked back towards me, almost like it wants me to follow. Is that really a smart decision? I stood there, unsure whether to follow or just go back home. It kept waiting for me to come with.

"My house is the other way, come with me and I'll try to patch you up," It didn't come closer. "What could possibly be taking your attention that way?" I question, which is once again ridiculous since it can't answer. I heave a sigh and start to follow.

Not too far ahead was another bear trap, but there was something else stuck in it. A... cat?... To be fair, the cat is really big, even for a Maine Coon. But what in the world is a cat doing so far in the woods?

The fox went right up to the cat, making the cat look at it, then at me. The cat has a glare that was far from just unsettling. Unlike the fox, both of its front paws were stuck in the trap. I did the same thing with the trap from before. It immediately tried to take off but fell. I pick it up and start walking towards my house. He quickly tried to be let free by repeatedly biting my arms, and even trying to go for my face. It was a struggle, and him being such a large cat really doesn't help. He kept hissing, growling, clawing, writhing, biting, everything to get me to drop him. I was getting multiple wounds from his struggles.

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