Yandere Naga Mic pt1/2) Slithering Chains

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Quirkless/aged up AU. Only warnings for now are swearing and a quick rather dangerous situation

"C'mon Y/N! It will be fun! Rumor has it there are friendly nagas on the island!" Gushed Mina. That makes me cross my arms. She's seriously out of her mind if she thinks it's a good idea to go to an island for something that's a supposed rumor.

"I highly doubt they'd be friendly. Especially since we'd technically be invading their territory." I reply. She rolls her eyes and huffs.

"Besides, why should we go looking for a damn overgrown lizard?" Katsuki cuts in with a scowl and his arms crossed. Hanta shrugs. "I'm with Mina on this. It would be really cool to see one," he turns to Eijiro. "What do you think?"

"I don't know. I was hoping we could go camping instead somewhere. Katsuki still has to show me those incredibly manly skills he learned back in boy scouts he hasn't shown me yet." Katsuki's face went to full-on pride.

Mina suddenly jumps up and down. "I have the PERFECT idea! We should go camping at the island!!! That way we could do both!"

"Ooh! That's a great idea! Count me in!" Exclaimed Denki.

Katsuki's face falls into a deep frown. "That actually sounds like a good idea!" Eijiro cheerfully replies. Mina fist-bumps the air and tackles Eijiro into a tight hug. "You can definitely count me in!." Hanta pipes up.

I can already tell we're not going to win this argument. Wait, didn't Hanta go to boy scouts as well? "Weren't you in boy scouts too? Can't you do the same things?" I question. He sheepishly smiles at me. "Eh, I didn't last very long in it for a few different reasons."

"Not showing up half the damn time and hanging out with dunce face really didn't help." Katsuki informs. They both flinch at his words. "Uh... let's not talk about that..."

They all suddenly turn to me expectantly, even Katsuki, probably hoping I deny. You know what? There's nothing too bad that could possibly happen, and they most likely won't stop begging until we do. "... fine," I turn to Katsuki. "You better have some mad skills."

He glares at me annoyed. "Of fucking course they're good!"

I smirk. Sometimes he's so fun to piss off. "Well, pack up guys. We're going camping."


It took a little longer than we thought to find a boat that would take us. No one wanted to go to the island. We eventually found a place around the ocean that would bring us for a rather large fee. None of us were happy about that but it was the best shot we had. Also if something happens to us on the island we're on our own since they won't come back for four days to pick us up. Good thing we packed extra food. We also only brought three tents since they'd be a hassle to carry otherwise and we can take turns carrying them if needed.

We get right up to the island and get dropped off on a sandy beach. The boat immediately pulls away from the island. A nagging feeling was rising in the back of my mind. "You wonder why none of them wanted to come to this island?" I suddenly question.

"It does seem a little odd. Even the one we came on left pretty quickly. I'm sure it's nothing important though!" Eijiro replies.

I refuse to let it fly by. Something about that seems more wrong the more I think about it. Looking at Katsuki, he seems to be thinking the same way I am. The other four take off towards the tall trees not too far from the beach. With the sun being at its highest peak, the trees are casting a large shady area half over the beach. I'm a little jealous of how he's carrying two of the tents and his backpack so effortlessly.

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