Horrid Wife

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Anika's Pov

This was weekend we were allowed to leave. I wrote dad telling him I was coming and I wanted to surprise Coraline so he wasn't to tell her. I took a cab just to add to the surprise Coraline will have when she opens the door and she her darling step daughter. I knocked on the door and she opened it. Shock ran over her face "Why hello Coraline" I smile bitterly "What are you doing here brat" she huffs "I came to see my dad and baby brother. And to get somethings I'll needed after Hogwarts since I'm not coming back" I walking pushing past her. Dad was on the sofa Langston was in his cot "Anika" dad came over to hug me "How's Hogwarts" he asks Coraline came in sitting away from me "Oh it's going great potions is actually fun. We started off the year with Amorentia" I say Coraline's head shot up when I said "What's wrong" I ask her "Oh nothing" she smiled then got up to the kitchen "I'll be right back" she says. "Dad I have to tell you something important" he nods "I'm not coming back after Hogwarts. I came to see you Langston. Also to get my things. I can't live in this house with Coraline. I'm sorry. I know you love her but I just can't deal with you and her being together" I explain "Darling..." dad pleaded "I'm sorry dad but your wife is horrid." I stand and head to my room hearing my dad stifle tears. It breaks my heart doing this. I knew Coraline was downstairs probably comforting dad so I snuck into their room and searched. I found Rose thrones in her shirt drawer which just adds to the idea she poisoning him. I went through their wardrobe/closet and found an small vile with a bit of liquid still left. I sniffed it and smelled old books, dark chocolate and forest. Which is exactly what I smelled in the Amorentia potion which is Remus of course. I stuffed the vile in my bag and tidied up the room getting the rest of my things. I walked downstairs to see Coraline comforting dad. "Why don't you just leave" Coraline snapped "Of course potions master" I say walking towards the door "Excuse me" she asks "Nothing" I say smirking then left. I knew I woulda till write dad and hoping he's not terribly mad and doesn't hates me. I got into the cab and headed to a store I know is near the leaking caldron. Where I was staying for the night before leaving for the train tomorrow night. The in was taking great precautions with the whole war. I showed them my Hogwarts student card and I had to wait for Dumbledore to write back saying I was good. Once that letter came it was getting quite late. I put my bags in the room and order dinner. Around 11 ish I went to sleep knowing I had to wake up early.

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