Little Wolf

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May 17,1981 I gave broth to a beautiful baby girl Faith River Lupin. Faith as a homage to Hope, Remus' mum and River being my mums name.  Lily was due in a couple months. Remus was holding his little daughter in the chair next to my bed "Your gonna grow up to be as beautiful as your mother" he says softly caressing her cheek. He heard Sirius cough "Hey Padfoot" I smile siting up at bit "Hey Vixen how's my little goddaughter doing" he laughed going over to Remus "Who said anything about you being the godfather" I ask his face turned into pure shock. James and Lily already were making him and me their baby's god parents "We already discussed it and were making Peter godfather"I tell him  "Fien then I want to be uncle Padfoot" he says and went to take Faith from her father. Remus came over and sat on my bed "How are you dear" Remus asked caressing my cheek "I'm fine" I smile nuzzling into his cheek. Then we hearing crying "Umm here" Sirius said handing me my crying daughter "Jee thanks Padfoot" I say rocking Faith back and forth "It's ok princess Mummy's here mummy right here" I cue holding her close to my chest. "I'll leave you two" Sirius says string out. I get Faith to calm down "Did you wrote to your father" Remus asked "No why would I. He didn't come to my graduation or the wedding. If he doesn't want to be there for my big moments. He's not being here for her bigs moments. She's got an amazing Grandfather in your dad and we've got enough friends with kids I'm sure she'll never ask" I explain "Still you should at least write" Remus tells me "No" I say putting my foot down "she's so calm" he says looking down at Faith "She really is" I smile.

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