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Unless I rip the Eporri from my leg, I have no choice—I'm going to Stigian. And as tempting as self-inflicting excruciating pain sounds in lieu of seeing Kyron again, I can't part with the thing which makes me a formidable opponent against my enemy.

Kyron already holds the upper hand on me. He discarded my heart like a piece of garbage and left me broken in a way I didn't know was possible. I question whether I'll crumble under the weight of being in his presence again or lash out on holy ground, drawing blood and facing the wrath of the Statera. My emotions may be a mess, but I know how I want him to perceive me.

Powerful, confident, and completely over him.

I descend the imperial staircase, Zek following behind me, and we join the rest of the party who will escort us to Stigian. My father stands with Micah; he has traded his general's jacket for the formal attire of the royal guard. A black iron breastplate adorned with the Lucent crest in gold protects his powerful frame and a crimson cape flows behind him. His shiny knee-high boots are a shoulder-length apart and his hand rests over the pummel of his sword. He leans into the circle he's created with the king and Borin as they engage in a whispered conversation. I'm sure they're discussing the preparations which have gone into this overnight trip to our rival kingdom.

Palace staff bustles around the foyer, loading trunks of clothes and provisions in the carriage. Guards stand throughout the room, keeping a watchful eye on the comings and goings. The air is thick with tension and low exchanges as people go about their business. No one is eager for their ruler and his heir to travel into a land where we have no control.

I move in next to Leif, and he runs his gaze over my black form-fitting dress, with the peek-a-boo sheer cutouts reveal parts of my legs, stomach, and back. He drops his voice and asks, "Planning on making a statement, are we?"

"If you can't beat them, remind them of what they will never have again."

He throws an arm around my shoulders. "I've taught you well."

"I like to think I've improved on your methods." I say, puckering my lips to hide my smile.

"You wish."

Micah claps his hands, and everyone freezes, giving their attention to the king in his formal black suit. "Before we leave, there are a couple of matters to discuss. The king consort will act on my behalf while I am gone. Any urgent matters which cannot wait for my return will be presented to him."

"I wish you fun with that. Borin is a grouch when Micah is away." I whisper to Leif.

"Don't remind me; I remember how miserable those days were for you."

Micah gestures for a staffer holding a wooden box to come forward and unlatches the lid. "I think it is important the Stigian people see the next ruler of Lucent is as revered as their prince. Raelle, please step forward."

I work my way through the small crowd to the front of the room. Micah opens the box to reveal an iron crown with tall spirals encrusted with rubies. He removes the symbol of my status and rests it upon my head. A woman holds up a gilded mirror, and my reflection lifts her chin while wearing the metal and jewels like a halo.

"Remember, you bow to no Stigian, Raelle," Micah says, meeting my gaze in the mirror.

"I won't be the one falling to my knees, Your Majesty."

He kisses my cheek. "As it should be, my precious girl."

A tinge of confidence sparks inside me. This time I will enter Esmeray's kingdom with a true ally by my side. There will be no surprises, no backstabbing. We walk in, anoint Kyron, and walk right back out. A simple task which will not leave my heart splintered.

Crown of Feathers (Book 2 of the Crown Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now