Chapter Eighteen

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Disclaimer: None of this mine, nor do I claim to be Stephenie Meyer. I just like to dabble in the playground that she created with Bella, Edward and her Twilight characters. No copyright infringement is intended.

Anyhow, up next will be a juicy little kumquat through Edward's eyes. Bella, however, did say that she loved him. When will our Grinchward drop the ILY? We will be some citrus, Christmas Day with gifts from 'Santa', spending the day with Carlisle and Esme and Katie's birthday party (maybe).

Chapter Eighteen


I hopped up and found the gift I wanted to give to him. I walked back to the couch, handing him the box. "Merry Christmas, Edward."

His eyes lit up, making him look so much younger. He tore into the gift and saw a beautiful watch. "Oh, Bella, this is exquisite. My old watch died recently and ... I've been relying on my phone ... this is so much more elegant."

"I had it engraved," I whispered.

He took it out and slipped off the satin pillow. On the underside of the watch, I added the engraving: My love for you is timeless ... Bella. His eyes widened and he looked at me. I took the watch, sliding it onto his right wrist since Edward was left-handed. "I know that ... you may not be ready to say this, and that's okay, but I can't not hold it back anymore. I love you, Edward."

He stared at me, reaching up and tracing my features. His eyes were brimming with tears, but he blinked them away. "I've heard people say those words and I never understood them," he said quietly. "You're also right in saying that I'm not ready to say them, but I'm starting to understand so much." He took my hand and pressed it to his heart. "This beats for you, Bella. You've broken through the walls around my heart and I'm no longer the shell of a man. I may not be able to say it, but I'm starting realize that I'm capable of ... being loved and loving someone else."

"You are so loveable, Edward. Once you get past the gruff, Grinchy exterior," I said.

"I may not be able to say the words, but I want to show you how much ..." he trailed off. He looked at me and his eyes were swirling with love. Love for me. Without saying a word, I stood up and took his hand. Together, we went upstairs to show how much we loved each other.


Bella closed the door to her bedroom. The only light inside was that of her Christmas tree. It bathed the room in a soft, romantic glow. I was excited, thrilled beyond all recognition at what was going to happen here tonight. I wanted to show Bella how much I cared about her, even if I couldn't say those three words out loud.

Not yet.

I was terrified that when I said those words, everything would fall apart.

No more negativity, Edward Anthony. Has Bella ever shown you any indication that she would stab you in the back? Even when you were being a colossal douche?

True ...

"Edward, look at me," she said softly, her small hands taking my face. "I love you." She took my hand pressing it onto her chest, just above her heart like I'd done a few moments earlier. "This beats for you, too. I won't hurt you. To do so would hurt me, hurt Katie."

"I don't want that," I said, sliding my arms around her tiny body. "I want to give you a part of me. I choose you. I choose to be with you."

"If you're talking about making love ..." Bella sputtered. "I don't have any condoms ..."

"I'm not ready for that. I do want to make love to you, but tonight is not the right time," I whispered, kissing her rambling away. She blushed, looking up at me sheepishly. "However, I do want to explore. I want to give you a part of me that no one ever saw, that no one could take."

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