Chapter Thirty-Four

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Disclaimer: None of this mine, nor do I claim to be Stephenie Meyer. I just like to dabble in the playground that she created with Bella, Edward and her Twilight characters. No copyright infringement is intended.

Up next will be Edward and will probably be the last real chapter before the epilogue. We'll be leading up to Bella's birthday and the triumphant return of Edward to MAC. This will span several months, from late August to, well ... you'll see.

Chapter Thirty-Four


"What are you doing?" Katie asked. Since I was still off for a couple more weeks, I'd volunteered to pick up Katie at school. She had taken off her uniform and was helping me make dinner. Or rather, I'd started dinner and I was trying to find a birthday present for Bella. I knew that last year, Bella ignored her birthday. This year, I wanted to celebrate her birth. "Edward?"

"Sorry, Little One," I chuckled, blinking up at her. "I'm trying to find a birthday present for Bella. Her birthday is coming up." Katie frowned, tears welling in her blue eyes. "What is it, Katie?"

"Last year, I forgot Bella's birthday. We had just moved here and were sad because of Mommy and Daddy," she muttered. "She gave me a special day for my birthday and I ignored her. She must hate me."

"Katie, Bella does not hate you," I said, picking her up and putting on the counter. "Katie, losing your parents, it changes you. Bella was more focused on making sure that you were happy, healthy. She didn't really care about her birthday because her thoughts were on you."

"But, everyone deserves a special day," Katie muttered, gripping my shirt. "Bella didn't. Not last year. I want to make it up to her."

"You do, Little One, with each smile and each moment that you're happy," I said, wiping her tears away. "She adores you and would do anything for you."

"I want to do anything for her," Katie replied, sliding her arms around my neck. I picked her up, carrying her to the living room and sitting down. I gently ran my hand up and down her back as she cried. She must have dozed off because her cries quieted. I looked down at her. Her face was flushed and there were tear stains on her cheeks. I kissed her forehead, holding her in my arms.

As Katie snoozed, I let my mind wander. I wanted this. I wanted this forever. I wanted to come home with my girls, sharing my future with them. I'd been denied a happily ever after and this was my dream. I knew I wanted to marry Bella. However, we were not ready for that step. We were still healing from what happened on my birthday.

Which was officially cancelled.

From here on out, my birthday would be on April 17th. June 20th held too many negative memories, from the death of my birth parents to the catastrophe that happened a few months ago.

"Forever," I whispered, smiling as I realized what I could get Bella for her birthday. I picked up Katie, tucking a blanket around her on the couch before I went back to my computer. I typed in what I was looking for, grinning widely when I reserved it at jeweler. "Forever may not be long enough, but it'll have to do." Rubbing my hands, I made plans for Bella's birthday. It would be a two-pronged approach. One part will include Katie and the other will be just Bella and me.

I missed her.

I missed the intimacy, the physical intimacy, we'd had prior to the car accident.

I was feeling no pain when I did daily activities. My strength was returning, along with my stamina. I was also cleared for sexual activities. At least, that's what the doctor said. Granted, it couldn't be marathon love-making sessions like we'd had in February, but we could try. Even if I couldn't make love to her in the traditional sense, I would love to be able to show her how much loved her.

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