Narcisstic Asshole.

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ALSO I WANTED TO PUT A QUICK DISCLAIMER, Erich talks about degrading woman and thinking of them as 'toys' in this chapter. I wanted everyone to know that I. DON'T. THINK. LIKE. THIS. In this novel, I am trying to write Erich as close to Erich from 'Murder in the first' as possible, and I know for a fact Erich would think like this. Just please don't believe that I think like this, as I don't. Thank you all.

Erich's pov
"NOW GET THE FUCK OUT." I spat at the whore leaving my house, her face covered in tears.

I mean, what was expecting? A relationship?

I shut the door, going back to my living room. I sat down, pulling out my phone. I saw two missed calls from Ivana.


"Where the hell were you?"

"I was busy, what do you want?"

"I need you to come to the company and fill out some papers."

"Not possible, I have to get ready, I have a business meeting happening tonight."

"Huh? What business meeting?"

"Don't worry about it, I'll get the papers done tomorrow, why don't you come over, we can have a little fun."

"No thanks, I have to go meet with someone." She said bluntly and hung up. I scoffed into the phone.

"Whatever, she's a stupid whore anyways." I muttered to myself and walked up the stairs, arriving at my room.

After the trial, I basically was plastered on every tabloid and magazine which was currently out. I was plastered all over the world. Some said I was framed and some called me a cold blooded killer.

I truly didn't care what anyone said.

In all honesty, I just cared about drugs and woman.

Every night, I had a different woman in my bed. I truly didn't care what they looked like, as long as they could give me pleasure.

As for drugs, well I was doing basic shit, and I've experimented with everything I could get. My company was doing good, and my life was amazing.

I was doing damn well for a guy who got convicted of killing some idiots a few years ago.

I truly was shocked that I was granted not guilty, but I knew that after secretly bribing every person in the jury stand I was going to get out of this nicely and quickly.

I wasn't going to admit that I killed my biological father or Cindy, because I didn't.

Cindy was a tragic accident, while my father was a suicide.


I was looking through some of my clothes, seeing a black leather jacket which caught my eye. I grabbed a white t-shirt with black jeans and my grey and black Jordan's. I was meeting with my longtime friend, Jackson.

We were going out and going to a club.

Apparently it's like the hottest thing in San Francisco at the moment and I had to go.

Jackson's words, not mine.

In all honesty, I just wanted to get drunk and maybe do some cocaine, I've been having way too much sex lately.

Hm, never expected that to happen.

I didn't really care about woman emotionally, they were all toys to me. I mean why should I care?

It's not like I'm going to settle down anytime soon.

In my opinion, woman should be used for pleasure and pleasure only, which is why I have strict rules with woman when it comes to sex.

Number one, you have to be on birth control or I'm not fucking you.

Number two, if god forbid you get pregnant, the stupid fucking thing is getting aborted.

I mean at this point, most woman barely come up to me knowing the rumors of what I did to cindy, which I found hilarious.

The confident woman were my favorite. I loved woman who were confident, but didn't play hard to get.

I also loved woman who submitted themselves to me, it made everything quick and easy.

I laid the clothes down on the bed, before closing my closet and walking over to my phone. I had a few messages from some whores, which I won't answer.

I called Jackson, and he responded after a few rings.

"What's up dude?" He asked, his breathing hard and rapid.

"Nothing, are you alright?"

"I'm fine, I just worked out." He said and I sighed.

"What time are we going out?"

"10 pm, so do me a favor and start getting ready now, since it takes you around three hours."

"Fuck off." I spat and he chuckled through the phone.

"Dude just be ready when I get there."

"Fine." I said and hung up. I checked the time, it was only 7:00 pm.

I went downstairs, seeing one of my cleaners, Annalise.

"Mr.Blunt, the other maids are I are about to leave."

"Go right ahead." I said and she nodded. I went into my alcohol drawer, taking out my bourbon. I grabbed it, twisting the top off.

I went into another drawer, pulling out a glass cup. I took it to the fridge, pressing the ice button and letting the cup hover over it, letting the ice fall carelessly into the cup.

I sat down at my kitchen island, pouring the bourbon into it slowly. I put the huge alcohol bottle down, bringing the cup to my lips and taking a long sip.

I saw multiple maids leaving, talking quietly to each other. Annalise came up to me, smiling warmly.

"Be safe, Mr.Blunt." She said and I nodded, shooing her off.

All of my maids are forced to sign a contract that says that they can't tell a word to anyone what happens in my house.

So if they see me doing drugs, fucking some whore, or binge drinking, they can't say shit.

I drank the bourbon a little longer, and realized I was all alone. I scrolled through my phone a little bit, answering a few emails and looking at a few business shit that Ivana had been bugging me to do.

Suddenly I got a message from Jackson.

'We're leaving in an hour and a half, get your shit ready.' He messaged, and I looked at the time.

8:30 pm?! Where the fuck did the time go?

I stuff my phone in my pocket, going upstairs.

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