Chapter five

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"What was that about?" Bad asks me as I reenter my living room.

"Nothing, he just had a question." I say, lying through my teeth and trying to hide the shame behind my eyes. Apparently I did a good enough job.

"Okay, well, if it's alright with you, can I ask a question?" Bad asks eagerly.

"What's your question?" I respond to a question with another question, hoping he doesn't pine for more information on my father.

"W-well it might be none of my business, but, what's my danger level?" Bad looks almost scared to know the answer, but I still smile and recite the number from above the muffin's head.

" It's 138" I say confidently. Bad sighs with relief and thanks me. But he had already started a chain reaction that would bring the world down in flames if it could.

"Well I want to know mine, too!" Sapnap pouted, followed by Tommy, Alex, Wilbur and Karl. I take a deep breath and begin reading out the numbers.

"Sapnap, you're 202, Tommy's 196, Alex is 201, Wilbur is 175, and Karl, you're 127." I say their danger levels with pride, watching as Sapnap realized he was the highest one I had recited.

"Wait, so that means I'm the most dangerous person here?!" Sapnap seemed like he was trying to be calm but failing miserably. That was when everyone else in the room began piping up.

"Hey, I mean, I'd kinda like to know mine" Tubbo mumbles quietly, but I hear him all the same.

"Haha, Tubbo, you're 110" I can't help but laugh at Tubbo's shocked expression.

"Hey, don't laugh at me, I'm not that weak" Tubbo seems upset with his results, crossing his arms over his chest.  Tommy hugs him, which seems to cheer up Tubbo significantly.

"And I'm guessing you guys want to know your's?" I nod my head in the direction of the small cluster of people who haven't had their danger levels revealed. After receiving a nod from all of them, I read out the numbers happily.

"Alright, Fundy's 149, Eret is 164, Phil, you're 151, Skeppy's 182, and Techno is.." I trail off and begin to laugh, which earns me a glare from Techno as he asks me again for the answer. I calm down enough to please him thoroughly with the result.

"You're 203" I say, and watch as Sapnap's eyes go from prideful to disappointed and hurt.

"I-I feel very trolled right now" Sapnap gives me a glare and goes off to pout on the couch.

"What can I say, Technoblade never dies." Techno said confidently, not even looking up from inspecting his perfect nails. We all know he spends hours on them daily, and I gotta say, it does pay off.

"I think you guys forgot someone" Clay says, making me whip around to face him.

"What's my danger level, George?" He asks, a grin on his face with an emotion behind it that I can't quite read. Much like the answer to his question.

"I, um, I don't know" I say, staring at the floor.

"What do you mean you don't know, you told everybody else their's, I just want to know mine" Clay must know what he's doing to me. My heartbeat races, and I feel my clothes grow tighter around my body, suffocating the oxygen out of my veins, making my blood run cold with fear. I feel as though the entire world's gaze is on me and me only. The pressure builds up in my chest and suddenly a hand is on my shoulder. I snap out of my trance of fear and once again answer Clay's question.

"Well, whenever I look at your danger level, it just says "unknown". I'm sorry, I don't know what it is. I explain, earning many whispers around the room and confused glances behind my shoulder blades. I feel myself beginning to panic again, and shove my way past Sapnap and into my bedroom, locking the door and letting myself panic for just a little bit.

As soon as my guard is down, the panic sets in. My thoughts are drowned by other thoughts that are strangled by memories. Tears flood right down my cheeks as an overload of fear takes my mind and runs. I don't realize how long it's been until a knock on my bedroom door startles me out of the thoughts.

I unlock the door and Clay comes in. Great, the person I least wanted to see.

"I think we might be able to help each other" The man reaches down his hand to help me off of the floor, a sly smile playing at his lips.

Freedom here! I hope you guys/girls/others liked this chapter. I am going to post a chart right now of all the characters and their danger levels, just so that everything is clear. VERY PLOT HEAVY CHAPTER NEXT CHAPTER, IM SO EXCITED! And, as always, have a wonderful day!

Word count: 782

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