Chapter fourteen

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George POV~~

It's been two days. Two days since the nightmare of rememberance ended, and I was allowed the freedom of home. Clay and I adopted a dog, a small Australian Sheperd named Cerberus. The name sounds fearsome, but it really just means spot. Which is very fitting to his personality. It's hard to believe all that's happened to us. Us being the only set of soulmates, by accident?

That was hard to comprehend for a while, though it's definitely a good thing. Clay's been really quiet today, I wonder what he's thinking....

Clay POV~~

Today's the day. I'm ready. And I have the ring.

~~Le time skip~~

George POV~~

I can't beleive it. I'm going to be a husband. I'm going to marry Clay. The ring slides onto my finger so easily, colorblind glasses ltting me see the array of shocking fireworks, and my lover's eyes. This is it. The moment every small by dreams of, the day they know they've found them. The one true love to have and to hold, till death do you part.

Clay POV~~
And I will hold him, for as long as he will let me.

Both POV~~
Till death do we part.

And with that, it's all over. I want to thank all of you for the massive ammounts of support I have received throughout the course of writing this book. Somewhere alon the line we hit five thouand reads, and I'm still just in a state of shock seeing that. I can not say enough times how much it means to me that you all have stayed to see the end, and I hope it meets your liking. There will be a qna for any o you confused on the plot, so please leave your questions here and I will answer them! I will have another fic coming out tomorrow or the day after. It's not a ship fic, but rather D!SMP in general, and I'm really excited for it. In the meantime, I love you all.

Drink water, wash your hands, and tell your family you love them

Goodbye :)

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