5 - Blonde Surfer Dude

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Magnus POV:

After we got off the train, we all started towards the nearest place to find food. Yes there was food on the train, and yes, we did eat at Fadlan's Falafel. But just because half of us are dead doesn't mean we don't have an appetite!

So all of us were walking towards the closest place that had some sort of food. It wasn't my fault it happened to be a candy store. And it wasn't my fault that Alex and Heart both wanted to go inside.

I walked through the doors, glancing over at the window. The words Sweet On America were painted in the window. Inside there was an assortment of candies, pastries, and a little freezer full of ice cream bars. We all split up, looking for something to eat. I looked into the glass display underneath a counter with a lady manning the register.

"Hi, may I help you find anything today?" She asked sweetly.

"No thanks Ma'am." I said back. A few minutes later we had all picked out croissants, and muffins. Annabeth had told us to meet her outside of the empire state building.
"That will be $25.75." The lady said, and Sam handed her $30. (I don't know how much it would cost pls dont hate me.)

"Keep the change." She said with a smile that she wouldn't usually regard strangers with. The woman smiled, and made small talk as she grabbed our food for us.

"So, are you folks from around here?" She asked.

"No, we're from Boston. Just visiting my cousin Annabeth." I said. The woman looked up when I said her name.

"Annabeth Chase?" She asked and I nodded. "So you must be Magnus! She said you were coming!" The lady said, and I was a little creeped out. How did she know Annabeth?

"How do you know Annabeth?" I asked obviously.

"Oh- right. I'm Sally, Annabeth's boyfriend's mom." She said reaching out her hand which I shook.

"Oh, so you're Percy's mom?" Alex asked.

"Yep." Sally said popping the P. "You've met him?"

"Yeah, he helped us on a qu..." Alex started to say, unaware if Sally knew about what Percy was. 

"Quest?" Sally asked. "Its alright. I know about all that demigod business." She said waving her hand. There was an awkward silence after she said that. 

"So um, do you kids need a ride? I Know monsters like to wait for half bloods who are just out in the open." Sally asked us.

"Thanks, yeah. We're meeting her at the empire state building." I said, and Sally nodded. 

"Ok great! My shift just ended anyways! Let's go!" 

-Time Skip brought to you by Percy Cookies-

(They ate in the car btw)

       After Sally dropped us off, Annabeth got a text on her phone that she said was a special phone made by her friend Leo, who would meet later. But she got a text saying that she was needed on Olympus for something. So we were going to meet her back here at 4:15. Then we were going to head to Camp Half-Blood. 

So we were left on the streets of NYC with nothing to do. I didn't really know what to do now, but I knew of some places here. Like Central Park. So I suggested it to the group and we all agreed to go. It was a 20 min walk, and we stopped for churros from a vender on the way. 

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