Chapter 3

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With Savannah on my mind, I wasn't exactly paying attention to where I was walking and I managed to make contact with a pole. I fell and a sharp pain ran through my head. When I touched it, there was a small bump already forming and I knew that it was red. People had seen me fall and started laughing. I couldn't help but laugh as well.

I got up from the ground and looked across the street. As if on cue, my stomach growled when I read the words across the building, "Café". I walked across the street and into the café. When I walked in, I was overwhelmed by a smell of sausage. It made my stomach grumble even more and I took a seat in the booth. A woman came and she had a bright smile on her face. In a southern drawl she spoke to me, "Well ain't you a cutie darling.. What can I get for ya?" She popped her gum she was chewing on and I replied quickly, "I would like the sausage, hash brown and eggs. The eggs over easy and a cup of coffee please?" She wrote it all down and laughed, "Well aren't you someone who knows what he wants." I laughed as well and she went to put my order in.

About 5 minutes later, the woman came back, "Well, here is your sausage, hash browns, and eggs over easy. And your cup of coffee." I thanked her and she smiled. I grabbed my fork off the table and started to eat. Boy was it good. I added some ketchup onto my eggs and hash browns and continued eating. When i had finished, I realized I was still hungry. How long had it been since I'd had a good meal? I caught the waitresses attention and order another plate. But this time I included pancakes. She brought me my food and I started to eat again. I was feeling full so I wasn't sure whether to eat the pancakes or not. I did anyway. When I had finished the two pancakes, I was extremely full. I took my coffee and added some sugar and creamer to it and drank some. When I brought it to my lips, the drink was delicious. It didn't even taste like coffee.

With my meal and coffee finished, I sat back in the booth. If I got up, I was going to explode. I started just watching the people that were coming in and out. There were a few odd characters that walked in. One man that took a seat had violet eyes. I had never seen violet eyes before. He saw me staring and it was an awkward moment. He and I both nodded heads and looked away quickly. A small woman came in and she had a sword with her. She saw me and smiled as if I knew her and not wanting to be rude, I smiled and waved back. The thought crept into my mind, "What is this place?" In the middle of my thought, the waitress came back brought me out of my thoughts, "Darling, would you like the newspaper to read?" She had one in her hand. I smiled at her, "Yes please." She nodded her head and left the paper at my table. When I picked it up, it had a name on the top.

It read, "The Realm News!" and had a picture of me on the cover! I blushed red and started to read the small paragraph under it. "New comer Jake joined our community last night. He is said to be a gentleman that has wonderful manners and seems to be sweet." I didn't read on. Why was I on the cover! It frazzled me but I dealt with it and let it go. I read more into the paper and saw an article about the hospital. My thoughts went to Savannah. The beautiful girl that had helped me. As I continued reading on, I heard the door jingle and everyone saying hello. Whoever walked in was very friendly. I decided to look up from my paper and saw Savannah. She was wearing a black T-shirt and blue skinny jeans. She had her hair up in a ponytail. She had dark brown hair and brown eyes. They were beautiful. Milk chocolate was the color I could use to describe them. She started talking, "Hi Clara. It's nice to see you again." So Clara was my waitresses name! "Why hello darling. Go ahead and take a seat. I'll get you the usual."

Savannah nodded and went to find a seat. She started to walk towards me and I quickly looked down at my coffee, "Jake?" I looked up and saw her standing by my table, "Savannah! Hi!" She smiled but I cursed myself... Did I really have to be so loud? I stood up and hugged her, "What are you doing here Jake?" "Well, I woke up and started to walk and...." "How did you get that bump on your head?" I looked into her eyes. Was there a hint of concern and worry? I brought my hand straight up to my head and felt the bump, "Oh! that..." I blushed and I heard her laugh. It was beautiful, "I got this because...well... i walked into umm...a..." She looked at me, "a???" "A pole." She pursed her lips trying not to laugh at me but couldn't help it. She laughed at me and I blushed even more. But I laughed too.

"So you've been getting used to things around here Jake?" Savannah had sat down with me and we started talking. She stared at me with a welcoming smile and I replied back, "Sort of... I just wish I knew where the barber shop was. I really need a haircut." She laughed, "Haha I do agree with you. Actually if you walk down a lite further, you'll find the shop." "Thank you so much!" She laughed and so did I. The time had escaped us and we looked at the clock to see that it was almost two in the afternoon. We went back to talking and then we heard the bell jingle. Savannah's boyfriend had walked in and when he spotted us talking, he didn't look too happy. He walked to our table and didn't look at me. Instead he spoke directly to Savannah. I couldn't hear what it was he had said but I let it go. It wasn't my place to be doing anything. Savannah looked upset and I figured her boyfriend must have said something rude. I almost punched him. No one should speak to a lady in a rude manner.

I saw Savannah getting up to leave. Being a gentleman, I stood up while she walked out. She came to me and gave me a hug, "It was nice seeing you again Jake. Take care okay?" I smiled at her, "Okay... You too ma'am." She smiled, "Savannah. You can call me Savannah." I laughed, "Okay Savannah." I walked her out and we said goodbye again. I went back into the café and was about to pay, "Oh no darling. You go on. Its on the house." "Thank you very much ma'am. It was so good." She smiles and I sighed in relief, I didn't have any money. I didn't know if I would go to the barber shop, but I needed that hair cut. Well, I would just have to see if there would be anyway to pay the barber back. And I went walking along the block looking for the Realm Barber.


Well, here is chapter three. I figured out how to make parts thanks to my great friend Briana! :) Hopefully I can start right away on chapter four!

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