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It was time to head home now and that was exactly what the two of you did.

After waiting for mostly everyone to leave school, you two finally decided it should be clear for the two of you to go to the classroom and get your belongings.

"It's almost like we're ninjas" you whispered to Tsukki while tip-toeing along your path. When you looked back you could see Tsukishima trying with all his might to not burst out laughing.

You stood up straight and complained, "hey! Why aren't you being stealthy~?"

"Because one- you look stupid, and two- you do realize I'm not a Chibi like you, and 3- there's literally no one in this hall." He reasoned.

"Oh. Well let's just hurry up and get out of here." You motioned for him to hurry up.

And that's what the two of you.

Tsukishima ended up missing practice, but he seemingly didn't care.

As you two headed out the gates Tsukishima tapped on you're shoulder and asked "hey, uh how about we go skating again?" He scratched the back of his neck.

"What? Just the two of us? I thought you hated skating?" You shocking asked.

"Well I don't like skating but I had fun last time we went." He played it off.

"Oh, well I'm actually kinda drained from today to go skating so maybe another time?"

"Oh yea ok." He said slightly disappointed.

"But hey I'm down for a movie!" You suggested. "Just because I'm too tired to go full on rollerblading doesn't mean we can't do something less energy consuming." You teased.

"Actually not a bad idea shortie." He pushed your head down and ruffled your hair a bit.

"Hey- quit that." You lightly shoved him.

"Then hurry and and quit your whining and let's go."

"Well can we change first? I would rather not go prancing around in my uniform..." you stated.

He looked down at your uniform and then agreed, "yea I might as well go change and shower too. All your germs are probably all over my hair." He smirked.

"Is not! You're the one with the germs if anything."

"Yea yea well let's just go home. I'll meet you in front of your house in an hour."

"An hour? We still have to walk home." You said

"Yea and?"

"And... I need time to get ready."

"Oh. Are you going to get all dolled up just for me?" He teased.

"Oh please, if anything it's because I need to take a nice hot shower to relieve myself of your foolishness." You crossed your arms.

For some reason Tsukishima blushed when you said 'hot shower' but you just shrugged and started headed home.

You smacked Tsukki's arm.

"Ow?" He sarcastically winced. "What was that for.

"I just realized you've been leaving Yams behind a lot recently, that boy doesn't deserve being ignored." You sadly pouted.

"I'm not ignoring him, I'm just not spending as much time with him. Plus I'm not Yams' only friend y'know, he is annoyingly friendly with the entire team." He noted.

"Hahaha. You're not Yams' only friend, but he's your only friend." You bursted out laughing. "Haha imagine."

"You better take that back." He tried grabbing you but you ducked and since your house was around the corner you dashed as fast as you could to unlock your door and lock it behind you.

"I wasn't expecting you to run after me." You panted. "Especially since you don't like exerting unnecessary  energy." You shouted from your side of the door.

"Unlock the door." He demanded.

"Nope." You laughed. "Go take your shower or sum."

"Ok. Ok. Don't worry I'll get you back for what you said." He whispered in between the minimal crack between the door just enough for you to hear and send quick shivers down your body.

After confirming that it was indeed his footsteps retreating from the front door, you quickly unlocked and opened the door enough for your head to fit and shouted, "hey Tsukishima! You can't say that what I said wrong though." You giggled and shut and locked the front door.

"Curse you." He mumbled. "But you're wrong, Yams isn't my only friend, I have you too now." He whispered to himself and looked up and smiled at the sun retreating towards the horizon.

A/N: ahem. I don't want to make you feel sentimental or anything, but in this moment you represent the sun in which you brighten Tsukkis day and you retreating to the horizon, is you giving Tsukishima (the moon) the time to come out and fully shine because you light him up. 🤧

A Burden { Tsukishima x Reader }Where stories live. Discover now