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⚠︎︎𝗪𝗔𝗥𝗡𝗜𝗡𝗚⚠︎︎: I don't want to spoil the next chapter but I put a warning just incase, even though it's something very minor.

    Numbness was all you felt.

    For the past couple of days you kept following your routine of hiding from everyone even though your face was fine. You just didn't have the energy to deal with anyone.

    You were constantly thinking of what Tsukishima said and your old school.

   'How could I ever think things here could be different. I'm such an idiot for thinking that. I don't know why I was trying to fool myself', you thought drifting off to sleep.

    Lucky for you tomorrow was the weekend and you could finally rest.


    You woke up late, about 3 in the afternoon again on Sunday.

    Your mom thought nothing of it. She just thought you were tired from school since she knows your working so hard.

    "Good afternoon [f/n]."

    "Hi mom."

    "I'm going to head out to the store and restock on some groceries. I'll be back in a couple hours," she said heading out the door.


    As you headed back to your room, you sat at down in your bed.

    You had nothing to do and no where to go. This pissed you off.

    "Fucking hate this world. Boring as fuck with dumbass people too."

   You stood up quickly and aggressively, accidentally knocking over your glass of water on your nightstand.

    "Can nothing go right! What the hell is wrong with me?"

    "Ugh, I hate it here."

   You went to go pick up the piece of glass when one of the pieces cut your arm.

    You winced in pain as it left a deep horizontal cut on your right arm.

   "Mother fuc-...." You run to the bathroom and grabbed your first aid kit and wrapped your arm with a bandage. Them you put on gloves and started cleaning the glass with your left hand because your right hand stung badly.

    After cleaning you decided to go to sleep, 'might as well go to sleep since I won't feel pain while I'm sleeping.' After awhile you fell back to sleep.


    Today you decided to put a jacket on. If there was anything you didn't need right now, it was people questioning you.

    At school you headed to the bathroom but this time you weren't quick enough.

    Tsukishima had apparently been looking for you and he actually saw you head into the girls bathroom. So he decided to wait for you in the hallway.

    'She sure is taking her sweet ass time in there. Or maybe this is where she's been hiding before school,' he lightly laughed. 'Smart.'

    About to give up and head to class, you emerged from the bathroom.

    His eyes widened as he came up behind you.

    "[f/n],", he called. "Wait."

    You stopped in your tracks and he approached you.

    "Can you stop acting like that and turn around," his voice was serious.

    You turned around avoiding eye contact.

    "What do you want," you said sternly.

    "I wanted to apologize for the other day", he said.

    You were a little shocked. The blond didn't seem like someone to apologize. He was stubborn and blunt but him apologizing must mean he really meant it.

    Even knowing this you turned around ready to just leave. You were stubborn too but not as stubborn as he was. If he was going to apologize he was going to do it properly. So he grabbed your right arm and pulled you back before you could escape.

    As he did this you winced a bit in pain and clutched your right wrist.

   His eyes widened. 'Did I hurt her?' No there's no way, I didn't yank her, I only pulled her.' He was frantically look at you trying to read your facial expressions but you kept avoiding eye contact.

    You hid you arm behind your back and tried to act normal but your jacket wasn't long enough and Tsukki saw the bandages poking out from underneath.

    He then quickly grabbed your arm and yanked down the sleeve of your jacket.

    "Did you do this to yourself?!?" he raised his voice but you could tell there was a hint of pain behind it.

    You were caught off guard. "Y-yes... I mean n-no."

    "Don't you dare lie to me [f/n], don't you dare, especially about something like this."

    "I'm not!"

   He finally believed you because as you said that you finally made eye contact with him. Him and his golden-brown eyes.

    "I accidentally broke my cup and cut myself on it while cleaning it up. I would never do that to myself, I hate pain I would rather feel numb," you explained.

    He finally let go of your arm carefully and exhaled.

    "Jeez Sweets, you nearly scared the living hell out of me."

'There he goes again with that damn nickname.' "Why do you care so much I thought you hated me", you snapped.

He was surprised but not that surprised because he knew how he was acting and he hated it. "I don't hate you it's just the way I am", he mumbled.

"I came here to apologize to you because what I said was wrong. You've been hiding in the girls bathrooms before school and during lunch haven't you? And don't lie to me because I'm not stupid. Although you are acting like a coward because Hinata, Kageyama and Yamaguchi are trying so hard trying to be your friend but yet you keep shutting them out. You aren't even recognizing that they have feelings and that they can get hurt too. So hurry up and stop acting like a baby so those two can shut up about you already and so Yamaguchi can stop being annoying."

Everything about what he just said seemed so serious. You were mad because he was right. You weren't even thinking about anyone else's feelings because you were so scared to get close to them. 'Poor Hinata-kun, I hope I didn't hurt him.'

You started tearing up. You couldn't help it, you just felt like a crappy person. You turned around because out of everyone, this jerk was the last person you wanted seeing you so fragile.

But he could tell, especially as tear drops splattered on the floor.

He inhaled and said "stop crying."

This scared you for a second. 'What the hell is wrong with this guy, how is he going to tell me to stop crying.'

He continued, "There's no need to cry when you can fix all of this by allowing yourself to be friends with them. I may not know anything about you or why you're so scared, but you need to get over it because we're all generally good people and we care."

And with that he left walking past you to class.

'We? Does that mean he's including himself in that?' You wiped your tear away and gave yourself and small chuckle. 'Huh, maybe I was wrong after all.'

A/N: *wipes forehead* phew what a chapter. My little [f/n] is growing so much. *wipes non-existent tear*

P.S: if you don't like long stories this ain't it for you. Personally I like to read long stories where you feel all sorts of emotions and with vivid imagery. So that's what I'm going to attempt to write like. ☺︎︎

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