Chapter I

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It was 5:00am when the sound of the alarm woke me up. The stars in the false ceiling of the room were barely shining, yet they were beautiful to me. It was heavy on my soul to get up, but I had promised my best friend that I would go with her to her vacation trip. Thirty minutes later I arrived at the station. The early morning was cold and Enith's rosy face was already waiting for me leaning out of one of the terminal windows.
— You're late – she scolded me.
— Did you get the tickets? – I asked, ignoring her.
— No... – She answered in a whisper – Actually only one, they were sold out.
I sighed in disgust.
— Please don't let me go alone – she pleaded.
— I got up at five and packed, of course I'm going with you.
The departure of the bus was announced and the passengers were asked to board.
— Go on – I said – I'll find a way to get on, don't worry.

I spent more than ten minutes drooling at the driver to get on. At the end he told me there were no more seats available and gave me his number in case I wanted a "private" trip. I threw the card away as soon as the door closed.
— There is another bus that follows the same route – A dark-skinned man smiled at me while sucking on a cigarette.
— They haven't announced anything...
— I have a ticket if you want it – He answered interrupting me – I can't leave today and I came to sell it – He shook the ticket in the air.
— Lex! – I heard Enith calling me.

Shit, she had planned this trip months ago.

— I'm going on the next one! – I answered her taking the  old man's ticket and shook it for her to see – Don't worry!

She said goodbye again and went back to her seat.  I heard how the driver got mad at her as she apologized.

— So you want it? – He asked, taking another puff on the tobacco.
— How much?

The man left as soon as I handed him the money.  He was probably ripping me off, but I had no choice, not really. Shortly after he left, the other bus appeared. We didn't reach twenty passengers, but considering that another bus had already left in the same direction it was no biggy. Even though it was six o'clock it was still very dark. I was terrified about  missing the bus stop and ending up in
God knows where. So I spent the whole trip leaning out the window even though I was dying for sleeping at least a couple of minutes. The bus stopped an hour later and everyone started getting off. Yes, I had fallen asleep. My heart was racing. I got off and there was no one around.
— Is this the right place? – I asked the driver.
He looked up and down at me and then pulled out a cigarette.
— What do you think? – He finally answered.
— But there's nothing here – I looked around panicking. He shrugged his shoulders and got back on the bus.
My phone rang before I could run after him. It was Enith.

— Where are you? I'm here and there's nothing here, literally nothing! – I yelled to her.
—Don't panic – I heard her laugh – It's true that it's scary, but if you're at the arched bus stop with a scary light bulb flashing every three seconds you're in the right place. I'm already at the hotel – She yawned – Take the road to your right and keep walking till you reach a square, there the hotel bus picks up new guests every half an hour.
— I thought you were going to wait for me – I reproached her upset – And what a road you're talking about, that's abandoned, it's all covered by bushes and grass. It's not even paved!
— That's the one. It's all part of the experience
— Experience my ass! Why of all the amazing places you had to choose one that looks so fucking scary? It's seven in the morning and the sun hasn't come up yet!
— For God's sake Lex, you're overreacting. See ya – And she hung up.

What kind of friend is that who abandons her best friend in a strange and scary place?
I grabbed the handle of my suitcase and set out to walk when an inhumane scream froze me.
— Mommy! Mommy! – I heard a child screaming. I looked everywhere but it was too dark. The screams continued. They were so close that my ears were ringing and panic was taking hold of my body. I had no idea where they were coming from but I was about to start screaming too when a helicopter passed over the bus stop with a powerful yellow spotlight. That's when I could see what was happening. Behind the bus stop and a few hundred meters away, a monstrous vine had partially destroyed what appeared to be a house. Lots of tentacles were swirling in the air grabbing and throwing human bodies and debris. What seemed to be missiles were launched down from the helicopter and I could feel the earth shaking. The monster was set on fire. The monster screamed again and I literally peed myself. My legs bent and I fell to the ground without being able to take my eyes off the scene. Something was wrong. Something was really wrong. Was I still asleep? Was I still on the bus and my nerves from getting lost had caused this nightmare? I took the phone out of my jacket pocket and called Enith.
— There's a giant vine on fire eating people! – I yelled to the phone.

— The number you are calling is off or out of the service area.
— No... it can't be, no no

I started to cry like crazy. My hands were shaking so much that I almost dropped the phone. I could hear the explosions and the screams, both human and monstrous. I crawled in the opposite direction and, driven by fear, I got up and started running aimlessly. My heart was pounding and my eyes were failing me. I bumped into the branches and bushes until I tripped over a root and lost consciousness.

Screams were no longer audible and the sun was warming up my back. I took a fetal position and let my brain bombard me. Where the fuck I was? What was that all about? A man-eating vine, really? Am I dreaming? Why did I even want to come on this fucking trip? I took a deep breath and let the pain in my bones come back to me. I was in a square. The establishments around it looked abandoned but everything was clean and smelled good. My clothes were dirty, my hair was covered with leaves and small branches and my suitcase was missing, it had not been a dream, the smell of urine from my pants was the living proof of my unbridled flight. I looked around trying to stay calm.  Yes, there was a monstrous plant and a combat helicopter, but it doesn't have to be a ghost town, there doesn't have to be zombies or cannibals waiting for their next meal. I found what appeared to be a police station and headed for it. The bell rang as soon as I pushed the door. It was the loudest sound I had ever heard in my life. I thought I had revealed my position and now monstrous mini plants or other creatures would come to attack me.
— Are you going to stand there all day? – The hoarse voice of an aging man brought me back to my senses. I looked at him in terror. I was about to cry. I was really at my limit.
— I need help – my voice trembled with every word
— You look like you need it – He answered – Please sit down.

I walked over to the bureau feeling that I would faint at any moment. If he turned out to be something unhuman, or a psychopath, or that he would hurt me, it would really be the end. He looked at me with black eyes that looked like bottomless pits. I dropped myself on the couch.

— There are... there was... – I took a deep breath. What was I going to say? – I got lost – I said finally – I think I had an accident. I should be at the "Alba" hotel, my friend...
— Is your name by any chance Lex Garcia? — I was interrupted
— Do we know each other? – I asked.  My heart hammering and the adrenaline preparing my body to grab a pencil and use it as a weapon.
— You look a lot like her – He got up and walked over to a wooden drawer. He tossed some folders and pulled out a file. He came to me – You have longer hair now – He took a picture and showed it to me – It's been six months since you were reported missing.
I took the picture. My eyesight started to blur again. Yes, it was me, or at least a me with short hair and a radiant smile. I don't remember smiling like that, ever, like if I were really happy.
— You were saying that you were lost? – He asked staring at me.
— Look – I placed the photo over the bureau – I don't know who you think I am but it's not me – I ran my hands over my face – Yes, my name is Lex Garcia but I'm not from here, I came as a tourist and my friend Enith is waiting for me at the Alba Hotel, I talked to her when I arrived; but there was a... – Yes, a man eater giant vine. How am I supposed to say that? What if he already knows? What if he uses me as a sacrifice to feed that monster?
— What was it? – He asked with those eyes that look like a pit  to his soul... he couldn't be human and he knew about the monster.
— An accident...
— There's lot of paperwork in these cases – He ran his hand through his gray hair – but you look too confused to say anything coherent, I'd better take you home –He walked to the exit door – and when you're ready you'll tell me everything.
— Home? I told you I'm not the one in the picture
— And you can't stay here and I can't let you go on your own... so, or I take you to the hospital or take you home. The decision is yours to take.

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